Chapter 1

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It was the day after exams. Friday. About the time that we all give up and just sleep in class, blindly answering a question when the professor unavoidably picks on you because you're so zoned out. Also the time of the week where the crazy boys start to throw parties and get high. One of those parties was tonight and for the first time, it was an open invite. Almost everyone in the university was invited, even those below even me in the social ranking. The odd ones who dyed their hair purple and blue, or just dyed the fringe. The ones that had the piercings everywhere. The ones that were emo beyond question. The ones that were just plain weird. Everyone was invited. And yes, that includes me and my friends: the nerdy group.

Seeing as I'm one of the few within the area that studies medicine at Armstrong University it's always had its perks. Getting a good education being one of them. But it definitely has its negatives and losing points on the social ranking scale is one of them.

I went to high school with a lot of people who ended up being the opposite of what I am now, and that's to say that they're now popular, so to speak, and I'm, well, not. I was really good friends with all of them, especially Nicole and Naomi, who were now uni royalty. I'd tried to stay friends with them and Naomi is studying medicine as well so we're still good friends. Although somehow she'd managed to be popular. And I'm not. I suppose I'm happy enough though. I have Alice and my other friends. It doesn't quite fill the hole for me though.

Each time I walk past Cooper Grey (the king of popularity in the university) and his posse as well as Nicole and hers I feel a twinge of regret, knowing I could've had that. I was really good friends with Cooper in high school too. I mean, really close friends. We were always near each other, sitting with each other in class and the constant flirting was so much fun. Not to forget his rocking body and perfect personality.

Well, it was before he turned into a dick at uni and become slack. I miss the old him if I'm perfectly honest. But right now, as him and his posse walk past, I'm more interested in the new guy, Rob Ascher.


With his hair shaved off at the bottom to be tied up in a top knot on his head, he just has that walk that they all pull off so well. A perfect, straight smile with great biceps along with a stud in his nose tops it all off. He's gorgeous. In my opinion, he has the perfect body and looks. In my best friend's opinion though, he's a complete douche bag.

"Ugh just look at him. Slime ball," Alice scowls, knowing full well that I've got the hots for him.

"Shut up! Can't you at least pretend you like him? I mean, come on. You can't say you don't find him the least bit attractive?" I ask, as we walk towards our normal lunch spot on the grounds, sitting on the grass in the warm sun, secluded from all the 'popular kids'.

Whatever. We actually have the better lunch spot if you ask me.

"No. He's disgusting. And I don't know why you still find him attractive after what Nicola told you the other day."

"That's a pretty good point. I give up. He's a dick," I answer submissively. It was true. He's a dick.

Nicola, one of our friends in medicine had told me the other day that at a party last weekend, he'd had sex with one of the sluts, as Alice and I call them, this one being called Sophie. Bitch. Apparently, the slut that she is then had Cooper finger her on the same night. And she was caught by her dad. I just feel repulsion. Disgusted. Horrifying. Ughhhh.

Why would you throw a party at your dad's house anyway? So stupid.

However, I would have no idea. I'm only 19 and unfortunately, the legal drinking age in the states is 21.

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