Chapter 4

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"Ok so we got a DJ to come and he should be here any minute. Do you want to go through some music for him to play whilst the boys and I move the furniture?" Cooper suggests and I nod enthusiastically.

"I'll give you guys a hand until he comes."

"The couches might be a little heavy for you..." Jacob comments uneasily, looking at my piss-weak arms.

"I'll be fine," I say defensively. It's a couch, I'm sure I'll manage.

"Yeah I'll be helping her so we'll be good," Rob smiles, flexing his biceps.

"Shut up! Just 'cause you use steroids!" Jacob accuses him, his own arms being pretty flimsy. Hypocrite.

"I do not! It's called going to the gym mate. You should try it," Rob suggests to Jacob, clapping him on the back before moving over to the far end of one of the white couches. I move to the other and place my hands underneath, ready to heave.

"On three," Rob says, bent in half to reach the underside of the couch, "One, two, three."

We both heave and I realise too late that it's a little too heavy for me and almost drop it. Cooper runs over and takes most of the weight off me, laughing as he does so.

"Heavier than they look, hey flasher?"

"Shut up. I had it."

"You wish," he grins, his arms popping as he strains to hold up his, no our half of the couch.

"Well at least I tried to help!"

"True. Just direct us yeah? Make sure we don't knock anything over," Cooper makes another suggestion and they start walking, moving the couch towards the front door.


I walk alongside the couch, just in front of Rob and he asks me, "So you're staying the night too?"

"Yeah. Are you?" I ask politely, pulling the couch towards me a little to miss the artwork hanging in the entrance.

"Yeah I think so. I thought all the rooms were already taken though Coop?"

"She can sleep in my room," he says as they try to manoeuvre the couch through the doorway, having to turn it sideways to get it through.

"Why would you let me stay the night if you don't even have any spare rooms? I didn't have to stay," I protest, not wanting to put him out of his bed.

"It's cool. It's a double so we can share," he winks, "Just open the garage door for us will ya? There's a cream button on the wall in the entrance. Press it."

I do as he says, ignoring the part about sharing a bed, then come back outside as they're placing the couch next to the latest Aston Martin parked in the garage. Jesus, how rich was his dad? Man, if only...

Once they're done arranging it we head back in but I don't know which way to go the place is so big so Rob lays a gentle hand on my back and guides me to the lounge, sending shivers up my spine and leaving a warm spot where his hand is.

As we round the corner, Jacob comes through carrying a small table and almost knocks me over. Rob grabs me around the waist and pulls me back against him in a crevice though so that Jacob can pass easily. He's so warm and I can feel a trickle of sweat through his shirt from the exertion of moving the couch, which is kind of gross but so hot at the same time. His hand's resting on my hip and is almost cradling it, his rough fingers scratching on the material of my shirt. It's thin so I can feel his hands through it and I have to say, they feel great. A good deal taller than me, I only come up to his shoulders and his hips end just below my ribcage.

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