Chapter 6

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Being drunk is the most strangest feeling I've experienced yet. I was perfectly aware of what I was doing up to a point and knew I was doing stupid things but couldn't stop myself from doing them. I would try to talk but my words would get jumbled and come out in the wrong order or I'd interpret the question wrongly. I felt confident and free with an overwhelming sense of calmness. I knew my sense were being dulled because I recall walking into something pointy but I didn't feel a thing although I knew it would leave a large bruise in the morning.

I also felt like I had loads of energy at one point, like crazy amounts of energy. I'm not sure if that's because of the alcohol or something else or just the high of the party. It was a weird night all around and the weirdest part yet, is that when I wake up to my alarm in Cooper's room the next morning, I can't remember anything of the night before.The second most alarming thing is that I'm lying in Cooper's bed naked with an arm draped over my stomach protectively.First thing's first, I panic and sit bolt upright in the bed, clutching the sheet to my chest protectively, before my head starts to protest at the movement by pounding profusely. I push it to the side though and focus on what to do next.The guy next to me turns his head groggily and opens a squinty eye and I realise with a jolt that it's Cooper.

"Why the hell am I in your bed naked?" I practically scream as he comes to.

"Wha..? Oh, right. It's kinda hard to explain..."

"Start explaining. Now," I scowl, praying to God I hadn't done anything ridiculously stupid last night.

"Don't worry. We didn't have sex," he says, reading my mind.

A sigh of relief escapes me and he says, "Aw come on. I'm not that bad in bed. I think."

"I don't want to know," I shudder and get off the bed, pulling the sheet with me for protection but what I didn't count on, was that he was naked too. I saw everything and my first instinct is to turn away but I happen to flash my whole ass as I do so and he laughs.

"Will you shut up?" I yell, angrily tugging the sheet around my body.

"It really doesn't matter you know. I saw everything last night. So did you," he says non-chalently.

"Well I was drunk."

He looks me over as I stand there awkwardly, draped in a white sheet."You don't remember anything do you?"


He laughs, "Well I don't know if you remember this, but you've got work this morning sunshine."

"What? Crap."

It's then that I finally turn off the alarm and glance at the time."What the hell it's 8:30! I was meant to be at work half an hour ago!"

I search through my bag and grabs my work clothes dashing desperately to the bathroom to get washed and changed. God knows where my other clothes are.Ugh my head hurts so much.I take one look in the mirror and feel disgusted. My hair is a rat's nest and my make up is smudged all over my face.I desperately try to scrub it off and after five minutes of intense scrubbing, my face finally looks clean enough to apply make up.I do a quick job, only applying concealer and foundation with a little mascara and eye liner before throwing my shirt over my head and pulling my leggings on.

Coming back out of the bathroom, I find Cooper dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed eating a green apple.

I throw the sheet at him and he ducks so that it goes over his head.

I try to gather up all of my stuff but I have absolutely no idea where my clothes or shoes from last night are so I don't even bother looking.Thank God I'd packed spare underwear otherwise I wouldn't even have that to wear.

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