Chapter 5

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The party starts off with only a few people, the DJ's music quiet in the background but once a substantial amount of people are there, it really gets into swing.The music gets ten times louder, pulsing throughout the ever growing crowd on the dance floor whilst I wait by the entrance for someone I actually know to walk through.

Finally, at around 8:40, forty minutes after the party's started, Lailani arrives and I instantly throw my arms around her, thankful to finally see a friendly face.

As soon as the guests had started arriving, the boys hadn't really wanted anything to do with me and I'd kind of just waited in the corner patiently, not really sure what to do.That is until Lailani got here.

"Thank God you came! I was starting to think you weren't coming!" I muffle into her shoulder as we embrace.

"What? And miss this? No way! This is...actually so much better than I thought it would be. Did you help? Somebody started a rumour that you were asked to help set up."

"I was. I mean, I did."

"What? Cooper asked you to help set up?" she asks, eyes wide and suspicious, unbelieving.

"Yeah but he disappeared when the guests started arriving."

"Dick. Come dance with me. I like this song," she says as a Calvin Harris song starts to play.Blame.

"Wait I forgot to set my alarm! I'll be back in a minute!" I yell over the pounding of the music and push my way through the crowd, getting squished up against numerous amounts of people before finally being able to weave my way up the stairs through to Cooper's room. I try to turn the knob but it's locked. Damn. Of course he's going to lock his bedroom door though, who knows what people could get up to in there?I involuntarily shudder and head back to the balcony.

Spotting Cole leaning over the balcony with a beer in his hand, I head over to ask him where Cooper is.

"Think I saw him go outside a few minutes ago. Do you know which way you're going?"

"It's ok I'll find it. Thanks," I reply before leaving him and having to push my way through the crowd until it thins out in another hallway. I make my way to the end then turn left into the laundry where there's a door that leads outside. Apart from a couple of people standing behind the pool area, because of course there's a magnificent pool too, and a couple near some trees looking suspiciously like they're doing weed, I can't see Cooper anywhere. That is until I hear what sounds like his voice coming from around the corner of the house.

I take a few steps forward until I'm almost at the corner when I realise what's happening.He's talking to someone, a girl from the sounds of it, and she's crying.

Speaking in a harsh tone he says, "I can't do this anymore! It's just not working out for me. We're done."

Before I can register properly what he's saying to her he comes striding round the corner and almost knocks straight into me.I immediately start to make excuses for myself.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to eavesdrop I just needed to get something from your room, my bag, in your room-"

"It's fine. We're done talking anyway," he says coldly, eyes narrowed as he glances over his shoulder at the crying girl I now recognise as Evette Palmer, his girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend? Did they just break up?Shit, I really shouldn't be here.

"I should go... I'm sorry," I mutter and start to turn around but Cooper grabs my shoulder and spins me back to him.

"I told you, Evette and I are done. What did you need?" he asks, completely ignoring Evette as I glance over at her and mentally send her a thousand apologies but she kind of just looks like she either wants to cry herself to sleep or stab someone with a knife ten times so I look back to Cooper, hoping to give her the illusion of privacy.

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