Chapter 7

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I wake up around 6pm to dad telling me it's dinner time. I feel like shit and my head's pounding but I manage to come out, squinting at the bright light in the passageway. I didn't think about it before but I hope I don't smell like alcohol...

I plunk down at the dinner table and check my phone as mum places some form of gluten free curry in front of me. What the hell?

52 messages! And 23 on facebook. What's going on?

I decide I'd better deal with it later seeing as we have a 'no technology at the dinner table' policy.

I take a wary bite of the curry and it's actually the first really good meal I've had. I love it! I also hadn't realised that I was starving. It's soon gone within ten minutes and I drain a whole glass of water in one gulp afterwards.

"Hungry?" dad asks.

"Yeah starving. That was really good mum, thanks."

"Your welcome," she says stiffly.

"So how was the party last night?" dad asks as he takes a sip out of his glass.

"Yeah it was good," I say, trying to be vague so I won't have to lie as much about what exactly happened.

"What did you do?" he persists.

"Oh not much. We went for a late night swim, danced, ate. I don't know. Talked."

"You went for a swim? When it's nearly winter? Without any bathers?" he asks unbelievingly.

"Lailani had a spare pair for me and it was heated so it was actually pretty good," I say, lying straight through my teeth and refusing to look at him, only playing with my empty glass distractedly.

"Meet any boys?" he asks challengingly, raising his eyebrows at me and grinning from ear to ear because he knows there would've been boys there.

"Well there were boys there but not any that I fancied," I said, this time not having to lie, even though I have no recollection of half the night. It still doesn't mean I fancied one of them, well, maybe Rob. They were all part of Cooper's gang anyway and I didn't exactly socialise with them. I generally try to stick with the nerdy group. Safety in numbers, right?

"Yeah right. Just don't go bringing back some drug addict to have dinner with us ok? Or he'll have the shot gun on him within the minute."

"Yeah, yeah Dad," I mutter, smiling to myself at his jokes. "Ok well if dinner's over I have some homework to do before the weekend's over. See you in a bit."

I head back to my cave, switching on the light and illuminating the dark area, revealing the mess I left it in before the party. Clothes are strewn across the floor along with shoes, books, notes and other various objects.

I take a look at my phone and groan at the texts I have to answer. Fortunately, when I open iMessage, ninety percent of the texts are from a group chat about the homework due on Monday, which I delete straight away, and the rest is from Alice, asking me how the party went. Also, she's teasing me about Cooper because I used to like him in primary school. Three years ago when I was a twelvie. That time has passed, it's over. She still insists on holding onto it though, especially considering how he acted towards me yesterday.

I quickly reply, Great but I got a massive hangover. My head is freaking pounding!! It was fun though. May or may not be able to remember half of it though...hahaha anyway how was netball? :)

She replies quickly enough, Oml are you serious? We need to talk about being a mature adult Riley. ALCOHOL IS BAD!! Nah hahaha I'm sure you had a good time with COOPER! Hehehehe.

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