Chapter 13

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Ok so I know I promised Jason that I wouldn't do anything stupid but come on. Rob just asked me out. How can I say no?

"Are you mean it?" I ask warily, not ready to just jump for joy and say yes immediately. I could never be sure if he was just messing with me or not and if I made a fool of myself I would never live up to it.

"Of course I mean it," he smiles shyly at me.


"Why do you think I don't mean it? You're beautiful Riley and I really like you. So, will you?" he asks again, taking my hands in his.

I take a deep breath and bite my lip, wishing Alice were here so I could ask her what to do. Then again, I shouldn't rely on Alice's opinion for everything and I already know what she would say. She'd say no because she disapproves of all of them but I've liked Rob for a while now and I've finally got what I wanted, there's no way I can turn this down. I don't have to say yes right away, I can ask to get to know each other better first.

"I would love to be your girlfriend," I say, "But..."

He groans and drops my hands to rake them through his hair, "There's always a but."

"Don't worry it's a good one," I smile and take his hands again, "I just want to get to know you better first so you have to ask me out on a date before I'm your girlfriend."

"Oh ok. What do you want to do then?" he asks as we continue to walk to the uni.

"I don't about-"

"Movies? The beach? No, wait shopping?"

I laugh, "It's freezing cold and you want to go the beach?"

"Yeah why not? I go surfing every morning," he says.

"Really? Wow I had no idea that's so cool."

"Yeah it's really great. I could teach you if you want?" he offers, hands in his pockets of his shorts.

"Ok that sounds great. What's the best time for you?" I ask.

"Are you doing anything this afternoon?" he asks, "About three?"

"No I don't think so," I say, thinking if anyone at home wanted me for anything. I finished at uni at 2:30 so three would be perfect. I was going to go swimming afterwards, like I do every day so I have my bathers and towel in my bag, which makes it perfect.

"Ok can I pick you up at three then?"

"Yeah pick me up from the library at three."

He smiles and slips his hand into mine and my breath catches. I grin back at him and sigh in content.

"So how many years do you have left of medicine?" he asks.

"About ten."

"What? That's crazy! I only have to do three years for art design so I only have two left."

"Lucky. Medicine takes forever but the wages at the end are worth it," I say, hoping it's true.

We walk through the car park to the university and head over to the E Block where the lab is. Rob was going to drop me at my class before heading off to his own in Block D.

"I'll see you at three then?" he asks at the door.

"Three it is."

He leans down and leaves a sweet kiss on my lips before waving and disappearing around the corner.

I sigh and kind of squeal and jump on the spot a little before taking a deep breath and sweeping my hair out of my eyes.

Somebody coughs behind me and I gasp and swirl around.

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