Chapter 11

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Oh my God.

I just kissed Cooper Grey. He wants me to be his tutor. He says he wants to change. What does that even mean? I don't even like the guy!

What am I meant to do? Why did I kiss him back? Everything is so wrong here.

I like Rob, not Cooper and now Cooper's warning me away from Rob? I don't even know what to think or believe.

I need to know what happened at that party...


Shit. I ended up being home half an hour late and dad isn't very happy with me.

He opens my bedroom door and storms in.

"Where the hell were you? Your mother and I were worried sick! Don't you dare ever do that again, ok?" he yells angrily.

"I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean to we just lost track of time," I answer truthfully.

"Well don't do it again, ok? It's time for you to go to bed. Goodnight."

I roll my eyes, "Night dad."

He shuts the door behind him and I immediately pull out my phone and go on facebook.

I scroll through the latest posts, ranging from family and friends to weird as tumblr posts, which I'm regretting I ever read.

Jason, one of my friends at school, is online so I decide to message him.

R- Hey Jason, how's it going?

J-Hey Riley, what's up? I'm fab :)

R-Haha of course you are ;) I kinda just wanted to ask you a question...

J-Shit what is it? Please don't say you're pregnant

R-Wtf Jason?! No, I'm not pregnant. I just wanted to know what you'd say if I said Cooper Grey just kissed me...

There's a pause before he starts to type and I can immediately tell what he's going to say.

J-What the hell Riley! COOPER GREY?! HAVE YOU GONE INSANE???? The guy's a DICK! Pls don't go there

R-I'm not, trust me. He says he wants me to be his tutor and that he wants to change and that he misses the 'good ol' days' with me. Am I wrong to not believe him?

J-NO! He is a lying fuck and don't you DARE tutor him!


J-I'm being serious here

R-Were you at his party on friday??

J-No I wasn't gonna go to his shitty party when I could watch TV

R-Well, just to let you know I got so smashed I can't remember the whole night and I'm really scared. What if I did something?

J-Riley there's no way you'd do something THAT stupid, even drunk. You're too much of a goody-too-shoes

R-Wow thanks for cheering me up Jace

J-Welcome :) Anyway even if you did, who cares? People do stupid things when they're drunk everyone knows that. It just might be on facebook for a while and your whole social career will be ruined :0 haha

R-Ok well on that cheery note, I'm gonna say goodnight and we will talk more about this on the bus tomorrow :)

Of course we're both too poor to afford a car straight out of school so we're stuck catching the bus.

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