~Chapter 1~

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As I got out of my car, dreading the walk to my first class, I double checked my schedule. Walking into the wrong class in college was always embarrassing, I did it twice on the first day of my first semester, the embarrassment of which made me print it out for this one. Grabbing my backpack out of my passenger seat, closing the door and putting it on, I put my keys in my hoodie pocket and walked to the literature building where my class supposedly was. Checking once more, I confirmed, knowing these schedules have lied to me before. I read the name "Jake Howard" and the class name, Introduction to College. Opening the door to the building and walking through, I attempted to dodge the other students running late.

Finally managing to find the classroom, I walked in, trying to ignore the stares of the seated students. I scanned the room, it being a lab converted into a classroom, still having the chemical flush shower station and various electronics in the wall. It had various long black tables with wooden legs, two chairs being at each one. Looking for an open seat and anyone I knew, I noticed my best friend and roommate, Jonathan O'Brien. He was sitting in the very back, stepping over backpacks and purses I made my way towards him, the only seats left were in front and to the left of him, in the corner.

As I sat down in the corner, he mused, "How did we leave at the same time but I got here 15 minutes earlier?"

I replied, "Shut up, I couldn't find an open spot that was close to the building. I didn't feel like walking all that distance. I slept like shit last night, I had a really weird dream too."

"Why didn't you mention that when we saw each other this morning? We could've gotten coffee or something." he asked.

"It's fine, you always have complicated ass orders. I don't wanna be known as the friend of that guy. Oh, by the way that place we usually go to, Sid's Cafe, it was closed. Someone idiot drove into it and ran away from the scene about 10 minutes before I got there."

"You're just mad my coffee has more personality than you." Jon said while pulling out his laptop, making a mocking expression. I bent down to retrieve my own, secretly flipping him off as I sat it down. The professor at the front of the room walked over and removed the doorstop, the door shutting slowly. He stopped behind a podium a wooden podium and began to speak. "Hello students! I'm Jake Howard, your professor for Introduction to Co-"

He was cut off by a knock at the door that had just closed. He walked over and opened the door, revealing the person knocking to be a familiar woman. I recognized her as one of the people who lived in the same apartment complex as me, although I couldn't recall her name. He greeted her and asked her to take a seat. She walked over to the last available seat, and sat down. Also beginning to take her laptop out and open the course page. The professor started to speak, "I'm Jake Howard and I'll be your Professor for Introduction to College. Since all 28 of you are here today, why don't we start with a little icebreaker. I want you all to get into groups of four and tell each other your name, your major, and a fun fact about yourself. I know the icebreakers get repetitive but try to make some friends guys! College is the year for experiences! Now, please make your own groups and write down all the answers on one piece of paper for participation points and attendance." This professor was a surprisingly upbeat and friendly one, one I had never seen or heard of until now.

Looking over to Jon, we exchanged glances and nodded, both asking the person in front of us if they'd like to be in a group. They both agreed and turned around their chairs, now being at our table. After everyone was seated, grabbing a piece of paper, Jon started the introductions, "Hi, I'm Jonathan, people call me Jon, I'm looking to get my major in mechanical engineering. Uhh, a fun fact would have to be that I learned how to pick some locks through the internet. Emphasis on the some." He started writing down his responses, saying, "Whoever wants to go next, go ahead. I'll write it all down."

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