~Chapter 6~

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I opened my eyes to a white hospital room, I tried to sit up but I felt surprisingly weak. A female doctor with black hair and a white strip thrown into a ponytail noticed my struggle and walked over to help me sit up. I looked around and noticed a IV leading down to my arm, a vital signs monitor and bandage covering where that savage had bitten me. The nurse grabbed a clipboard and sat down, reading what I could only assume to be my personal information and began to ask me questions.

"Hello! My name is Bonnie and I'm one of the lead doctors here at Lynn Dixie Military Fort. Can you please tell me your name and what you remember before passing out?" she asked.

"So we made it here? Where are my friends and are they okay?" I asked, thoughts racing through my mind but the biggest one was questioning the safety here.

"Yes, your friends are okay and safe, as are you. Now, please take it slow and tell me what you remember and your name. You've been in a coma for two weeks so we need to make sure you're not suffering from any neurological deficits."

"IT'S BEEN TWO WEEKS?!" I screamed in bewilderment.

A male doctor walked in upon hearing my shouts and confirmed my confusion. He was tall, had brown hair with a white streak and a long white lab coat. He began to speak, "Doctor Bonnibel, I can take over. Could you go notify the people he arrived with and tell them he's awoken."

"Yes Doctor Park." she replied while standing up and handing the clipboard to the man. He walked over and sat down where Bonnie once was and began to explain.

"First, you need to answer three questions. Is your name Marcus Lee?" He asked.

"No, it's Martin Lee."

"Splendid and when were you born?" he asked.

"September 3rd, 2004."

"And what's the last thing you remember?"

Sitting up even more I began to answer, "We.. heard a broadcast about a military base accepting survivors and were trying to go here but my friend.. Jon, was almost attacked by one of those savages and I had to fight it away, and I think it bit me?" My voice started to crack and tears welled up in my eyes. Remembering the gruesome mess I had turned his head into and the mans face before he bit down on my arm. I felt they were no longer human but I still felt guilty after killing something with a human appearance.

"That's correct." the doctor interjected. "And after the bite, your friends rushed you here as fast as they could. Unfortunately, that particular savage somehow infected its bite with a neurotoxic venom, causing you to fall unconscious and seize. At first we assumed that it had consumed a snake and the venom was transferred via the bite mark. Your friends, specifically that woman Beatrice, truly saved your life with how quick they arrived and the emergency treatment she gave you. Luckily we were able to identify and administer an antivenom but you fell into a coma. Although you started to stabilized once we injected you, you hadn't woke up until now. I also heard from them you managed to win against the savage. You've also recovered quite faster than we had anticipated. All of which are feats that are truly remarkable, you should be proud of your swift recovery and caring friends."

"Are.. are those things conscious?" I said my voice cracking. .

"Martin, I'm so sorry to inform you but we've come to believe that their personality and consciousness died the day of the cataclysm. After examining, testing and recording almost 100 of them for brain activity; we found no activity in the places responsible for personality, thinking, memory or emotions. With that we found enhanced and extreme activity in the places responsible for hunger and aggression. I can understand how seeing something with a human appearance die can be haunting, but I want to assure you that those are no longer people Martin."

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