~Chapter 2~

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I groaned as I struggled to wake up, the morning sun glaring in through the window and making it difficult to see clearly. Still half asleep, I reached out blindly, searching for my phone amidst the tangled mess of blankets. Finally locating it, I squinted at the time display. Saturday, 9:30 am. I yawned and thought to myself how glad I was the first day of college fell on a Friday. We were supposed to meet at Bea's bookstore around 2 pm, I sat an alarm and fell asleep, getting some extra hours.

Waking up, I once again looked for my phone and checked the time. It read 1:27 pm. Scrambling out of bed, I hastily grabbed a pair of blue jeans, a red flannel shirt, and a surfing Godzilla tee, muttering to myself, "This will have to do for today."

After a rushed tooth-brushing session and a quick spritz of cologne, I checked my phone to find it bombarded with four calls from Jon and messages from the newly formed group chat.

Jon: Did I get the right numbers for everyone?
Gannon: 👍
Bea: yeahh
Bea: is everyone still good to meet at 2?
Jon: Yes
Gannon: 👍
Bea: is Mars not coming?
Jon: He slept in, he'll probably reply when he's up. He shouldn't be long tho.
Bea: okk, see you guys then!
Gannon: 👍

Quickly replying, "I just woke up, I'm on the way.," I shook off any remaining sleepiness before preparing to drive.

Grabbing a slice of bread to toast on the go, I realized I would have to skip breakfast yet again. Hastily snatching my keys and backpack, I rushed out the door, nearly leaving my toast behind in the process. Devouring it as I hurried to my car, I wiped crumbs from my face and checked the time - 1:45 pm . With a sigh of relief, I started the car and sped off, hoping to arrive on time.

As I pulled into the long gravel parking lot, I was met with three other cars. Rushing out of my car and towards the store I was met with the slightly overgrown exterior of a one story brick building, wrapped in ivy and adorned with a vintage dark green sign that read "Adams Archives". A smaller sign on the glass door reading "closed." As I stepped inside, the scent of old books mingled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, creating a relaxing cafe-like atmosphere. I looked around and noticed Jon and Gannon sitting at a wooden table with their laptops out, while Bea was over at a coffee machine making two coffees.

Walking over to the table I greeted Jon and Gannon, and sat down. Bea, finishing their coffees walked over and greeted me with a warm smile, her black hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. She handed them their coffees and walked next to me. "Welcome to Adams Archives," she said, her eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. "I hope you're ready for a journey through the ages."

I laughed and exchanged puzzled glances with Jon. He noticed my confusion to her greeting and inserted, "Don't worry, she greeted us the same way. Then asked if we wanted coffee." He chuckled and Gannon nodded in agreement. Remembering the origin of the library and the name of Bea's bookstore I remarked, "Adams Archives? That's a fitting name" impressed by the size. Bea questioned, "Would you like any coffee? We have creamer and sugar."

Jon interjected before I could reply, "She won't let you make your own, I know how you are and I asked as well. She shut me down and said she wants to give us an amazing experience."

She replied with a smile, "This is called setting a nice atmosphere, I do this for all the customers. I want a feeling of inclusion and welcoming here, that's why we even have a kids zone with bean bags and coloring pages. I enjoy this job and I always try my best."

I laughed, "Well, I respect the commitment, could you please bring me a coffee and a couple sugar packets?"

Bea nodded, walking over to the coffee machine and returning with my requested items. After thanking her she inquired, "Do you guys want a tour?" All of us agreed while sipping on our coffee. She walked over and grabbed her own coffee before leading us further into the store. Bea began her enthusiastic tour. "This place is more than just a bookstore; it's a treasure trove of history and knowledge, we have books and records of the town dating back to the 1900's."

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