~Chapter 7~

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After being dismissed by Doctor Park, I was allowed to take a tour and eat with the three of them. As I was rolled out of the Medical Center by Gannon, we came out to an open bathhouse with individual showers on my left and various wide two story buildings with numerous windows. I could only guess those were the housing units. In the midst of them crazily wheeling down the sidewalk they mentioned a workout area, a running track with weights and workout equipment in the middle. Jon wasn't lying when he said it was bigger than our college campus, I had seen more buildings behind the housing and shower area. I would have to get the full tour later, I had to have Jon lead me to the showering area so I could clean up before this and I absolutely had no idea where I was.

I was led to a hangar converted mess hall, where they spent their time telling me what each of them did in more detail, as well as pointing out the people responsible for training and various other professions. I looked down to the food they had gotten me; two rolls, green beans, mashed potatoes, and a porkchop. I hastily wiped the drool off my face and started to eat my food with them as we continued to catch up and talk about what they had done in the past two weeks.

After we got done eating, I quickly met up with Doctor Park as he took me to meet the base General, nervous of what she could want. Was she questioning me? Was it about the bunker? We had decided not to reveal it, as it could be a live saving shelter in the event that this place was unsafe. It was a requested favor from Bea and we collectively agreed, knowing it would useful as a trump card.

As Doctor Park wheeled me down the sidewalk and to a three story concrete building, he began to apologize, "I'm sorry Martin but you need to recover and stay in this wheelchair for at least today."

"But I walked to the bathroom just fine, and I was fine with standing in the shower before this meeting." I whined.

"Yeah and that's strange, you should at least need some physical therapy after two weeks of no activity. Even considering the other effects that come with getting out of a coma, you seem quite lively with no negative effects from the neurotoxic venom. Like it was a light nap, which is extremely uncommon.", He noted.

"Well I feel fine, I was weakened when I first woke up but now it feels just like a small muscle ache. Is it really that bizarre?" I said. I didn't really have knowledge about comas or the effects of venom, much less a neurotoxic venom. If what he said was true then my recovery was indeed swift, almost in a way that gave me chills.

"Yes, I've collected a blood sample to examine but it seems your body fought off and recovered quite quickly. It's led me to believe that the mutation has perhaps enhanced our regenerative abilities. You aren't the first quick recovery case but you're by far the most impressive." He said, his mind wandering elsewhere as he trailed off and started mumbling to himself.

After finally arriving at the end of the hall, we stopped at a room on the left where I saw two Sentinels on both sides of the door. They were wearing black protective armor and padding with a helmet, they both had Master rank dog tags. One of them opened it while the other stood still, holding a rifle in his hands. Sentinels and Hunters have the same armor but the Hunters is slightly thinner to allow for more comfort and flexibility, with no helmet.

Doctor Park pushed me inside the small room where I saw a wooden table, a chair opposite of me with a women sitting in it, and a coffee machine in the back corner on a small shelf. The woman was mixed with freckles and long curled brown hair with a white strip going down the middle. She was wearing a wearing a midnight blue uniform with various medals and badges on it. She sat there shuffling through some papers before writing a few notes and setting them down. She began to speak to me and reached her hand out for a handshake, "Martin Lee I assume? It's nice to meet you, I'm General Marceline Mertens."

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