"A book to read."

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More shitty writing

Saturday 9:30 am
N walked into the room, food on a plate, and a glass of water. He couldn't have her starve.

He felt responsible over her, especially with how it happend.

She wasn't exactly wrong about him lying and tricking her into a trap. And her poor father probably was worried sick about her.

He placed the food down on his bed side, just to look at her.

She slept peacefully.

He took a moment to brush hair out of her face and place a kiss on her forehead.

Putting his weight on the bed, he kept close, but not too close to awaken her.

He could only watch her sleeping face, stained with black from her mascara.

She was still so beautiful in a state so dangerously dark and depressing. He loved her, and couldn't dare express it currently.

So he slowly raised up, and walked out, only gently closing the door so he could leave properly.

His scent remained in his thoughts. How her voice sounded so sad the moment he asked her to turn.

Oh the guilt.

Yet it wasn't his choice. It this, or death. He kept telling himself it's a better fate to be bitten rather than dying of old age while having a young looking vampire boyfriend.

That's what truely scared him.

She only had such time to save her younger skin. And he wanted to. He wanted her to stay with him forever and never let go of him.

He wondered what she would look like as a vampire. Would she keep dying her hair a purple colour? Would she grow much more pale? How sharp would her fangs be?

Better yet, what abilities would she have?

It was a tricky one for him.

She wasn't albino, so she wouldn't become like him with yellow eyes, would she?

And she didn't anything that'd become genetically perfected. No natural mutations they'd feed from.

Because of her being natural, and having no mutation, and no base to go off, would she look the exact same but with fangs? He's never seen a vampire that didn't have a mutation or illnesses they transformed to escape death from.

So if she was genetically perfect and healthy, would it be randomized?

It didn't sit right with him.

Being annoyed by the thoughts that circled his head, he made his way to the library. He wanted to see what kinds of vampires he could possibly turn her into.

He searched shelves upon shelves. Books of vampire history, down to small science on vampires. Fairytales, all to facts. Some about animals, some about humans, and even just small subjects they been learning to seem civil enough to fit in with humans.

He came across books in sections the others, nor him visited.

It was almost a treasure trove of information.

Books on all types of vampires, books on how to tell what one a human turns into, and even books on all sorts of illnesses, diseases and disability's to look out for in humans oddly enough.

One on vampire rules had been tucked away here aswell.

He picked up the book with the various vampire types there were, and the vampire rules, just for Uzi.

He placed them on a table and went to look back at the shelves.

What to tell a human is turning into.

It had been picked off, and placed on that same table, and he sat there, already exhausted from just the sight of the books, unwanting to read it all.

But it was a book to read

-Just One Bite: His Candy Fangs- {Nuzi}Where stories live. Discover now