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Uzi stared into her reflection now, wondering HOW to not bring this up as an important conversation.

She just stared at herself, wondering on the girls words..

Her eyes felt heavy after a decent amount of staring.

She could take a nap... right? It'd be fine if she did.

She closed her eyes and laid herself down, resting peacefully as she could. Though moving about it almost felt as if her hair were long, and unkept against her skin..

She felt as if the blankets were wool rather than cotton, and her body felt dressed in silk robes, despite her nakedness.

Almost as if she were dreaming it all...

"Una! Wake up!" A voice called, only allowing the deep brown haired girl look around in desperation of finding it.

Long hair being dragged out the bed as the girl stood, and faced the man before her.

Her father, Kian stood before her, looking at her sternly. "Did you sneak out again with that... Boy?" He spoke, sounding almost disgusted.

"Father, I can say I havnt." Una spoke, lacing her words with sarcasm and annoyance.

"Do not lie." Kian stepped forward to his daughter. "Theo had seen... he watched as you ran with that albino imbecile! The poor man!" He pushed on with his words, directing them at the young lady.

"But I can assure I never seen him in the last week! The knights are lying just to claim my hand!" She yelled towards her father, defence for whoever the young man she seen long before.

"There's no reason to help the poor! Especially for a yongue princess like yourself!" He argued, pushing the girl into a sitting position on her bed.

"Father! I promise! Theo is lying!" She yelled once more.

"Enough! Get ready! You'll be living with your mother's old family, to get a taste of the poor life." He yelled once more before walking out, maids closing the door with what sounded of a locking sound behind it.

She sat there helplessly, a sigh escaping her throat.

Why was she yelling? Why did it matter so much..? Who was it she could be trying so hard to defend? That what UZI wanted to know...

She stood up, and went to get ready, putting on some clothing that didn't look too 'fitting' for a princess considering the words of who looked to be her father, Khan.

Yet something in her screamed 'Kian' over and over in the moment.

As if this was natural, and happened once before..

She sat down, braiding her hair to go along with the old Russian hunters attire she found on the second chair in the corner of her room.

She felt bummed by it all..

How come? This didn't seem like her life.. or was it? She can't recall.

"Mistress Una?" A voice called in heavy accsent with a soft knock following? "The carriage is here. You'll be sent there, and if you do come back, I've heard.. news."

"Come in, Diane." Una called out, allowing whoever was there in.

A girl with long black hair came in, a red gown being worn, and what looked to be red bows.

A blond was behind her, hair well done with a simular coloured gown and pink bows to match.

"Una?" She asked worried.

"It's fine. Just tell me what you have heard." Una pushed her worry away, turning to the girls with a light smile.

"I uh.. heard that you'd be married off to Leah's brother if you come back.. to Theo." Diane said, eyes furrowed. "Your father hates the mystery man as much as you care for him. So please, do not return, so you can marry who you want."

"Plus, I do not want you as a sibbling, in law, or not." Leah added, her face falling somewhat.

"I know. And I don't plan on it. I'll run away if it means I can be with him." She spoke determined, resting the braid against her chest, letting it dangle down to her hips as she stood.

"I can never truely say how proud I am of you.. I know I hated you, and thought of you as a nuisance, but seeing a princess run from duty makes me almost want to." Leah admitted, looking almost sad. "If you come back married, with a family, or let alone alive, I promise I won't let anything happen to your fate to come."

"I won't either, mistress." Diane added, bowing to the girl.

"Thank you. And if you can, please, make sure Theo finds someone who will love him just as much." Una said, looking into her mirror, only seeing herself a small bit younger with short tattered and purple hair if it was possible.

She felt so.. pretty in what ever witch like dream it was for her, but more confident knowing it was her own self and personality showing, even if it was only her who could see how sad yet beautiful she felt.

When she looked away, she took the two young girls hands as they brought her out to the front, a frown upon her face knowing how it would go.

"Is she ready?" Kians voice struck.

"Yes, your highness..." Leah said, looking down at the ground rather than the kings face.

"Guards? Take her away." He ordered, only for Una to be taken and thrown into the carriage, one that screamed 'shame' rather than 'bow down to me' in unas perspective.

The ride being long, and depressing. About 4 hours total.

"Cmon on out." The guards ordered as she hopped out, and bowed her head in respect before knocking on the old doors of the cabin she were dumped at.

A woman with deep brown hair and bright blue eyes opened the door, a smile that almost looked crazed appearing on her face.

"Una! I was wondering when you would arrive. How's my royal niece doing?" She asked friendly, her hair in a low ponytail and the down she worn tattered and messy.

She had character for her age, especially considering the young boy at her knees, peeking from behind her dress.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm your mother's sister, Alice, and this here is my son beau." Alice said, pulling Una into the house.

"You're gonna love it here. I heard you had an odd history of hunting things when you got there chance to go, so now you have a job here to keep up with the house hold!" She exclaimed, and went to another room, only to come back dragging a sword.

"Oh- uh- thank you?" Una said a bit confused, but glad non-the-less.

"Oh! And the neighbors boy can go with you, he's such a sweet heart! He lives with his sisters, and hunts with them at time, and they're jerks so you'll get along with him just fine, I'm sure of it!" She said happily, picking up a basket.

"Anyways, care to watch Beau? I have to get a few things done so settle in." She smiled awkwardly, only to leave with what sounded to be a scoff.

Una just sat in a chair and looked to the young boy who was only just playing with wooden toys and giggling silently.

"So.. you're beau?" Una asked, an attempt to get to know her cousin.

The boy looked up to her, almost looking scared as he nodded.

"Is.. something wrong?" She questioned, worried he was just shy.

The boy looked around the room, just before standing up and walking to her.

"Momma said not to talk to the snobby lady." He whispered, spooking Una.

"Oh- uh- okay." Una accepted, patting his head lightly. "Just go back to playing I guess? I'll be here if you need anything."

He nodded, and went to go crawl back over to the wooden knights and dragon pieces about, giggling as he made them fight.

It felt.. almost unreal....

Almost as if she were looking into the past, or so she felt.

As if it was Deja-vu of some sort

-Just One Bite: His Candy Fangs- {Nuzi}Where stories live. Discover now