"Dreams hurt less than reality.."

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Home.. that's all she could think of as she had run down the street with the torn up clothes on her body from his claws. She had tears in her eyes as the street felt much too long and painful,

She sobbed as she finally made it to her front lawn, still bleeding from the claw marks. She collapsed in the grass, sobbing painfully.

It hurt.. a lot..

The man she loved, painfully dug his claws into her skin, to prove on why they couldn't be together and yet, she couldn't figure out the real reason.

Was it because she was still a fragile human? Was it because J also found out about the engagement? Or was it because J would rather not have humans around any longer?

He could have told her either way, and she would willingly accept the reason, just as long as in another life that maybe they could be together..

Yet.. the world faded around her as she layed in the lawn.

When she had awoken, she was in the hospital, a doctor talking to her dad, Thad, and her cousin. Uzi shifted slightly, feeling the pain in her back and arm, but yet not subcomming to it.

She watched as Thad and doll immediately made it to her side, and and started questioning her over and over.

"Uzi!" Thad exclaimed.

{"where have you been?"} doll added.

Uzi only stared, trying to remember what had happened, yet only could remember passing out on her lawn. How N's claws had sank into her..

"Uzi!" Khan had finally said in worry. "Where were you?" He questioned, worried for his daughter.

"..I don't... I don't know.." she lied, voice weak from the crying last night. "I don't know.. I just ran until I made it home.." she held back a sob.

She wanted to tell him how it was N who had kidnapped her, how he dug his nails in her, yet... she didn't. She didn't want him to die at the hands of hunters for her being.. she didn't want to loose him, despite already having lost him.

"I understand if you don't want to tell me anything I just.. I worry about you." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder, watching as she winced away from his touch.

"Can.. we head home..?" She questioned, wanting to go back to the room she used to hate being trapped in.

The room with off yellow walls, and her purple furniture put all in the right places.

The room she used to hide in to keep away from Nikolai at night.

She missed it.

She missed him...

Her dad nodded, and turned to the doctor. "When should she be able to leave?"

"She can this after noon, just make sure to keep the bandages changed and cleaned."

1 week later..
Uzi stared out her window, watching the stars as she played "your presence" on repeat.

She watched how the stars sat still, looking like little holes in a containers, as if she and her world were bugs being kept in captivity.

Her hair, once again fully purple, and cut to its usual length. She felt as she did months ago when Nikolai hadn't exsisted.

Hopeless.. annoyed.. depressed.. hateful..

A delicious stew of emotions she refused to let the others see.

All she's done has been hiding in her room, hugging and cuddling her pillows, while listening to Amelie farren.

-Just One Bite: His Candy Fangs- {Nuzi}Where stories live. Discover now