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Her body sat in his arms, face burried into his chest as she thought it over once again.

Was he asking this of her? Right here right now?

Like this?

She felt familiar to this question, as if it'd been asked in a similar way once before.

If Deja-vu hit once again, it feels like she was in his lap once as he cried silently.

She can feel the pain coming from him, and the words that fell out his mouth. It was sweet, yet so heart breaking.

She felt the tears at her eyes as she held on tighter to him, a sob slipping through her lips, picking at his attention.

She felt horrible, as if an answer would make him disappear, would make him run off.

Yet there was something striking lightly at her side, almost as if she were bitten to bits and her own insides were being pushed out through her throat.

It hurt, and scared her, so so much. Yet she didn't understand why it felt this way.

Was this how Una felt?

Was she also asked this same question?

"Why are you crying?" He asked, pulling away enough to see her face, cupping her cheek in his hand, and thumb swiping away tears.

"I just.. I'm sorry.. I'm just scared I won't ever see you again if I answer.." she admitted, placing her hand on his own.

She looked up to see tears falling down his face aswell, making her hold his face aswell, to wipe tears away.

"I won't leave. I promise." He spoke with sincerity, making the girl hug him, with his own arms wrapping around her waist to pull her closer.

"Yes..." she mumbled, making him look to her in confusion.

"He's.. I will marry you."


Jennifer sat inside her room, looking down on the paper in front of her with the smaller figure sitting on her bed.

"So.. you want them apart just as much as I do huh?" Jennifer asked, body turning to the small girl.

"Yes.. I-i won't allow big brother.. to love that demon..." she admitted, pushing a childish smile on her face. "She ruined me.. I think atleast.."

Jennifer huffed with an eyeroll, and turned to the papers. Instructions on a ritual big enough to start an apocalypse.

"I'm not sure how much you want this done, it could ruin the balance." She asked, some worry being displayed.

"Well.. you guys get to roam.. all times.. the world will be dark.. the sea will be blood, and even better yet.. your queen will give fair treatment..." the girl giggled.

"Sounds tempting." She said, recoiling over few details.

Ones that worried her at that.

"So.. you in..?" The girl asked, making Jen shiver lightly.

Was it truely right to tear apart the couple with an apocolypse? Let alone kill most of humanity off for their cost?

It worried her.

If the sea ever dried up, their species would be wiped from the base of earth, let alone, the entirety of the solar system.

"Can't I think on it more?" She questioned, feeling hesitant.

"No, answer now.. or I can do it myself.." she giggled once more. "Why are you so.. hesitant?... aren't you the one who complained about.. her being... his distraction?" She pointed, pressing a finger against the vampires cheek.

She hadn't expected the child to be bold enough to touch her, let alone point out obvious things.

"Fine. Don't make me regret it." She said, slamming the papers back down on her desk. "What did you say your name was again?"

The girl giggled once more, lightly kicking her limp legs from the bed.

"I s-said my name.. was Cynthia."

-Just One Bite: His Candy Fangs- {Nuzi}Where stories live. Discover now