𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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(A/N: this chapter takes place before the apple accident)!!!!!!





Once there was two twin brothers one being the guardian of negativity the other being the guardian of positiveity, their names where midnight and dream, midnight was hated by the villagers because he was the guardian of negativity, everyone thought he was evil when in reality he was very kind and gentle with everything. On the other hand, his twin brother dream was loved by everyone, he was never at the tree with midnight, he was always in the village helping others. While dream was gone midnight was bullied and beaten or even touched inappropriately keep in mind he and dream are only 30 years old (in god years so teen but like newborn in human years) midnight could not stand up for him self so he tried to call dream but he was never there. One day when dream was gone and midnight was a the tree, he saw a portal it looked kinda glitchy but not to much, midnight stood up pretty scared of who or what it could be. Then a skeleton walked through,they had a gash a cross their chest and the only had one eye,the other was cover by a glitchy patch and they had a red scarf.

Midnight then asked"who are you!?"The stranger turned to him, his voice a bit glitchy "my name is geno, I mean no harm I just wanted to see this au" midnight calmed down a bit but then the villagers came and midnight ran way so he wouldn't get hit...

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Midnight then asked"who are you!?"
The stranger turned to him, his voice a bit glitchy "my name is geno, I mean no harm I just wanted to see this au" midnight calmed down a bit but then the villagers came and midnight ran way so he wouldn't get hit or anything else, but he tripped while running, and the villagers got to him. They hit midnights head on the ground, and his skull broke (fyi they are half human half skeleton so they have skeleton like features but human like features as well like lips and a body etc a echo body technically) luckily geno followed midnight and found him "are you ok" geno asked
Midnight was shocked he thought geno would beat him like the villagers. A few hour later both midnight and geno were at the tree of feelings, geno helped midnight sit , while they were there they got to know each other. Geno would come every day or every other day. One day Geno came to visit to find midnight de-dressed and was crying curled up trying to cover himself the best he could. "Night! What happened!?" Geno asked worried "o-on-one of t-the vi-l-ligers asked i-if I wanted to play a g-game a-a-and...." Midnight said "oh midnight...I'm so so sorry I wasn't here, where is your twin you told me about I never see him, he could have helped you" geno says "he is practically never here the only time he is here is at night to go to sleep if he is not at a friend's house" midnight answers. Geno helped midnight get cleaned up and re-dressed then they talked the rest of the day. The next day Geno came to visit he seen midnight sitting under the tree like always, geno walked up to midnight, midnight knew it was geno, so he wasn't scared. Geno sat beside midnight and said"hey nighty!" "Greatings geno" midnight says as a reply "look I maybe youa bracelet it has my favorite colors though" geno says
"I made you a hair clip it has my favorite colors as well" midnight says "now we will be able to recognize each other when we grow up!" Geno says. After that day the two were best friends, dream didn't know of this, he was gone most of the time. A few hours later geno said " hey night?" "Yes?" Midnight says as response "w-wi-ill you b-be m-my boyfriend?" Midnight blushes a lot then he says "yes!, this was the best day of midnights life, someone actually loves him. This went on for about two years but the one day when geno and midnight were sitting under the tree talking. Red strings grabbed geno and draged him in to a blank void. "Nighty help!" Geno said reaching out tword midnight, midnight grabbed Genos hand and tried to pull him out, but he lost grip and geno was gone.
Midnight just sat there and cried, he cried like never before. Then he got up and got an negativity apple and ate it, all midnight know is that every thing went black.

I hoped you enjoyed

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