Part :- 4

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In The Patient's Ward

The whole night I slept with my mother in her room. I didn't want to leave her but unfortunately, Lia informed me that Mr. Park got injured and asked me to check up on him. There was a serious injury on his palm that caused a loss of blood but Lia did a dressing of his injury and gave him an injection so right now he is sleeping on his bed because of the effect of the injection. After she was done with her work I gave her a serious look and asked "How did he get injured, Lia?" She looked confused and spoke "I don't know doctor but when I entered the room I found him unconscious on the floor and blood flowing from his hand and some surgery tools around him then I immediately called you and rest on you know" I looked at her with a sad smile then keep my hand on her shoulder "It's okay! It's not your fault. Don't be sad" She nodded and smiled at me as I smiled back at her "Go and prepare for the operation. You assigned with Dr Jay today" She nodded and left after collecting the tools. I stare at her disappearing figure then turn around to look at Mr Park as he is sleeping because of the injection "Sleeping Beauty" spoke in a low voice without my realizing then look at my wristwatch and leave the room after taking a last glance at him.

Third Person's POV

The little bit she didn't know that someone heard their whole conversation.

Jimin's POV

I heard the sound of the door as soon as the footsteps sound faded away. I opened my eyes immediately moving my eyes and observing every corner of the room then sat up on the bed and slowly let out a chuckle while staring at my injured arm.


In the morning, I am lying on my bed after waking up when the door opens revealing Lia I frown my eyebrows and stare at her continuously after some time Mark also enters the room and asks about the doctor then says that she wouldn't be able to come today and also my health is getting better so I will get discharged very soon but I didn't even like after hearing this. Then she took her leave after giving me breakfast and medicine I raised my gaze and looked at Mark and he understood what I wanted, he nodded his head made his way towards the door, and left the room. After he left, my gaze fell on the tray full of surgery tools that were kept on the table near me. I get up from my bed and make my way to pick up the scalpel blade and give a deep cut into my palm. My lips curl into a smirk as I look at my hand continuously blood flowing from my hand "Can't wait to see you" said in a deep voice then started feeling dizzy and fell on the floor.

Rest you all know


Hope you are all doing well
I know it's not that good but keep supporting and give your feedback.
It would be helpful for me to know so that I could work hard to provide you better and learn lots of things also 😉

Thank You 💘😊


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