Part :- 8

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If you guys want Jimin's POV then let me know


I don't know what's gotten into him. "WHAT IS THIS RING FOR?" He said holding my hand and loudly making me flinch, it was the first time I had heard his voice but I never expected this before I could speak anything door opened as Mark immediately entered inside and said "It's time to leave master" making his eyes turned toward him then he take a deep breath as he was breathing heavily because of the anger. I was all confused because of the way he reacted then he got up from the bed left my hand looked at me again with that emotionless expression and went outside with Mark. My gaze didn't leave them until their figure didn't fade away from my sight after they left, I took my steps towards my cabin sat in my place, and gulped down the water to calm down myself
"Is he bipolar or what?" said while gulping the water.

Nevermind, I am not going to see him again thought in my mind

But this is life and nothing lies in our hands because we are just puppets of destiny
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I still couldn't believe that this was real, walking down the aisle made me feel like a Royal Princess from those movies as my dad was holding my hand. I knew that this was going to special moment in my life but everything felt like a dream from which I never gonna wake up. Soon my dad placed my hand on the guy in front of me which brought me back to reality as tears started flowing from my eyes to my cheek. He grabs my chin making me look at him at this moment all I wished was to kill myself rather than marry him but I couldn't
Soon priest started speaking then after the ceremony I found myself bound by this Devil with a pure bond like marriage.


I know this chapter is very short but hope you all enjoyed it. I just want your support and feedback so it could help me to improve myself



𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 (PJMFF)Where stories live. Discover now