Part :- 7

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Third Person's Point of View

On the day of the meeting, she wore a simple long skirt with a casual solid black top, which matched her black handbag and boots ( picture is shown above). Her hair was tied in a loose ponytail, making her look classy. After checking the time on her wristwatch, she walked out of her house and drove off to her destination.

Skipping ahead in time, she entered the cafe. She took out her phone from her bag and called the person. After one ring, he answered the call, "Hello Miss Yoon," he said politely, making her smile. "Yes, Mr. Steve, I arrived here but I couldn't find you," she said, looking around. Then, someone tapped on her shoulder, making her turn around. "Mr. Steve?" she asked, and he nodded politely. Then, they both greeted each other, and he offered his hand. She hesitated but eventually gave in as he escorted her to their seat. They both sat opposite each other and ordered something while talking randomly.

She got to know that he was her father's friend's son who had completed his Master's in London. He had started working under his dad's company, helping him with his projects and learning everything slowly. Soon, he was going to take over as the CEO after his father. At first, she thought he might be rude or a jerk type, but after a conversation with him, she realized he was a polite, well-mannered, and respectful person. Now she understood that her father could never be wrong about his decision. He asked her about her opinions and plans for the future, and she answered that she just wanted to continue working as a doctor in the future, as that was her biggest achievement and dream in life. She couldn't leave it because of marriage. They talked a lot about each other, and then it was time to leave, as it was already evening. He insisted on dropping her off, but she refused because she had already brought her car with her. Then, they both took their leave.

After reaching home her parents asked about the date she replied "Everything was perfect and he is a nice guy" Dad looked at me with a smile and asked " So what do you think about this" Mom patted my head then I replied " I just need sometime dad" smile at them "As you say my cupcake" dad said "I am tired now. I am going to freshen up ." saying this I went upstairs to freshen up then drifted into sleep thinking about Steve

He is not a bad guy in my mind

In Hospital

I am currently reviewing the medical reports of Mr. Park while Lia stands beside me. Mr. Park is lying on the bed and Mr. Mark is also present in the room. After reading Mr. Park's report, I close the file with a small smile and then address them both, saying "That's great news, Mr. Park. You have recovered so quickly after only three days. We will now discharge you and Mr. Mark. After you're discharged, please make sure Mr. Park doesn't overwork himself, okay?" Mr. Mark nods in agreement, and I then leave the room.

I entered my cabin and sat on my chair being tired closed my eyes to get some relaxation. I thought a lot about Mr. Steve and then decided what I should do now.

Soon, both Steve and I became engaged. We had a small ceremony with only our parents and close friends in attendance. We purposely kept it simple, as we didn't want anything too extravagant. I invited Lia, who is very close to me, but we decided not to inform anyone at the hospital about the engagement, except for Lia.

Time Skip at the day of Jimin's discharge

I'm sitting in my cabin, and Lia just brought me the discharge papers from Mr. Park. Since I got engaged, Lia's behavior has changed. She teases me when we're alone, but I know how to handle it and keep things professional during work.

(Jimin's Outfit)

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(Jimin's Outfit)

We went to check on Mr. Park, who was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing a white shirt and black pants, lost in deep thoughts. We entered the room, and he immediately noticed us. His dark gaze met mine, filled with emptiness, as if he were trying to look deep into my soul. To divert his attention, I faked a cough and said, "You're going to be discharged today. I checked your final reports, and everything is perfectly fine. But still, please take care of yourself since you're still weak after your accident. Don't work too much and avoid taking too much stress." But he seemed lost in thought, so I waved my hand in front of him to get his attention. "Are you listening to me?" I asked. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand, and his gaze turned red. "What is this?" he growled in a deep voice, his rage evident.

Stay tuned for more chapters 😊
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