Part :- 10

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Third Person's POV

The next day, In the place of Mr. Yoon

His secretary entered his office and informed him about the arrival of the CEO of Park Enterprises. He looked at him with a little smile nodded his head and got up from his place as the door opened revealing Mark, behind him Park Jimin. Mr Yoon moves towards them and greets them with a smile but deep inside, he is also confused about why they suddenly approached them for this meeting. He is aware that Park Enterprises and his CEO never tried to approach any company for a deal or collaboration but other companies are always getting in the line to collaborate with them. Mr Yoon's secretary escorts them to a private room in his office that is specially made for VIP guests or business partners. They all went inside the room and took their seats meanwhile Mark and Mr Yoon's secretary standing behind their boss. The whole room was filled with silence which was broken by Mr Yoon.

"What brings you here Mr Park?" He said in his professional tone soon his eyes met with his dark orbs then a deep voice came inside his ears "I want your daughter Mr Yoon" he sstraightforwardly without caring about anything, then confusion spread on his face Mr Yoon then he spoke "What? What did you say Mr, Park? Can you please explain? What do you want to say?" Again his voice came in his ear "I said I want your daughter. I want to marry" As he completed his sentence, only one word reached him as a reply "NO," said Mr Yoon, "and why? May I know the reason Mr?" He asked while raising his one eyebrow "She is already engaged, and soon going to marry. So that's why I am declining your proposal Mr. Park" After hearing this sentence, he groaned in anger making the first of his hands punch the table in front of him making Yoon and his secretary flinch "So what? It's only engagement right!!! Just break the engagement and make her marry with me" he was fuming in anger because nobody ever declined his order in his life but him. If he wanted, he could give me the worst punishment for his deed but he couldn't. Again he said in his dangerous voice "You have time till the next day. Just break the engagement and fix our marriage otherwise get ready to get on the street" Saying this he picked up the vase from the table and smashed it on the floor breaking ng into pieces "I didn't have a positive response Mr After completing his sentence, he rushed outside, closing the door harshly. After him, Mark also left from there, leaving Mr Yoon alone with his secretary. Fears start approaching his expression and inside his heart,
not for him but for his daughter. Because even if she wasn't engaged, he would never want her to be with a guy like him. People know him as a Successful personality but his personality and nature are not less than a Devil or you can say he is a Devil himself. Now, he knew he couldn't escape from this Devil and couldn't save his family but still, he could try the last thing to save his daughter's life from him.

Few Hours Later


Standing in front of the mirror, I am staring at my figure, dressed up in a long white simple yet classic making me look different than ever. A lone tear flowed down from my eyes. I didn't expect this day to come this early.


I was usually busy as on other days at work, then interrupted by a sudden call from Dad. It's very unusual for him to call me during my working hours, so without thinking again I picked up his call

In a call "Cupcake!! Come home right now." he said in a panic, making me feel tensed "What happened, Dad? Is everything Okay?" I asked and got his reply "I will tell you later but now please come back home" Saying this, he hung up the call before I could say anything. I grabbed my coat and stuff, armed with the receptionist when left the hospital.

Time Skip at home, I arrived at my house and found my uncle and Steve also there with my parents, sitting in the living room. Dad looked at me and got up from his place engulfing me in a hug and said "Thank God! You are back" I looked at him with a little smile then looked at Steve and his dad with a confused expression but greeted them. Dad held my hand and took me with him, making me sit beside him then started speaking "So, I called everyone here to say something important" he looked at me and then at Steve, taking his hand and mine also then he further said "I want both of you guys to get married today" he complete his sentence making my eyes widen "WHAT? What did you say? Today!!! But why?" I said in a loud voice because they just dropped a nuclear bomb on me "Yes cupcake. Please it's my request" he held my hand in his "But why Dad? We have enough time to get married so why so early and that too today?" I questioned him again "I couldn't explain anything right now but just think it's a matter of my life and also your life my child," He said with a low voice that was enough for me to hear him "Just do this for your father" he again speak with his moist eyes "Dad please" I whisper in low voice soon tear start gathering in my eyes then I feel a familiar touch on my back then found myself engulfed in my mom's arm "Just do this for us my princess. We never wanted anything bad for you." I don't know what's going on here but I have never seen my parents so tensed like this but they are not telling me anything but I know we are in the biggest problem that's why they asking me for this otherwise they never tried to impose their decision on me after dealing with my subconscious I nodded in approval. After getting my answer, both of them gave me a side hug, and then Dad kissed my temple and looked at me with his teary eyes, "Don't cry, Dad! Tears don't suit your handsome face" I said then he laughed and immediately wiped his eyes. In our family time, I forgot the presence of two people sitting in front of us from whole time "I hope, You don't have any problem Steve" I asked him because I couldn't ignore his consent for my family's happiness. He got up and moved towards me then kneeled holding my hands in his and said "I am ready for this. You don't need to worry about me because your family is mine also, So their problems mean my problems" he said wia th smile that's the reason he never gave me a chance to reject him. I am proud of my father's choice because of him I met an angel like this.

Present day

My thoughts were interrupted by the door knock "Come in" I wiped my tears immediately then reopened revealing my parents they saw me the smiles appeared on their faces making me smile also. They took their steps towards me and pulled me into a hug "My daughter is looking angel today" Mom said and pecked on my forehead "Your daughter? Nah wifey, she is my daughter too." Dad said making us laugh "You are looking so beautiful my cupcake that guy Steve is going to steal my cupcake from me" he faked crying making me laugh "Ohh my actor dad!! Don't cry . I am not going far away from you. I will come to meet you every time" saying this I hugged him tightly then he also hugged "You guys forget me," my mom said with pout then me and dad both laughed "We are incomplete without you My love" said dad and pull her in a family hug. After staying like this for a few minutes, Mom covered my face with a veil then we all left the bridal room. Dad held my hand softly they had such a fantastic entrance, I looked around to see there were only a few people at our wedding then started to focus as I walked down the aisle dad gave my hand to Steve's as he looked at me then smiled then my father said "Take care of her" it was like threats making us chuckled then I got on the stage where priest is waiting for us then we both take our place opposite each other while holding each other's hand. Then the priest spoke "Let's begin! Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this lovely couple's matrimony ." He gave a short speech and then stated "Let's start the ceremony" making me and Steve nod "Yoon Y/N, will you have Steve Yeong to be your husband; to live together with him in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto him as long as you both shall live?"
I looked at my parents and then at Steve before answering I took a deep breath to calm my heart and spoke "I..." interrupted by a  gunshot sound then everyone turned in that direction "Sorry, I am late" he said making me confused

What's the hell? He is doing here in my mind

Hello Readers or my silent readers ☠️
I hope you are doing well. It's a request for everyone to give their feedback. It would be helpful for me also. I just hope you like this chapter. Stay tuned for more updates

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