Part :- 5

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                         Y/N's POV

In evening

In the patient's ward

" Are you feeling pain anywhere Mr Park?" I asked him but he just shook his head in denial. It's my first time seeing someone like this. It's very unusual to say but he never speaks a single word in front of us since he admits here. But he never behaved rudely or like a spoiler brat so I guess maybe it's his nature that's why I don't force him to speak with us who knows he behaves differently with his close ones like Mark. His hand is still injured that's why I am feeding him and Lia is also on leave because of some emergency. There is no one in this room except us and this guy is "seriously" in my thoughts. All he is doing giving me his creepy stares. I swear one day I will gonna beat the shit out of him. After he finished his food, I got up from my place to give him his medicine but my foot was hit by something making me lose my balance. I closed my eyes to feel the pain after falling but thankfully nothing happens. I feel two hands around my waist meanwhile my hand is on something hard Oh I mean shoulders slowly open my eyes and find myself hugging him, peeking at him from the corner of my eyes he is also staring at me there is no emotion in his eyes only voidness. Slowly I tried to move away from me but he tight his grip on my waist making me look at him "Mr Park leave me" said in a low voice but he ignored me making me more furious "Remove your hand, Mr Park" said in loud voice but it's no use. This bastard is getting on my nerves
hold his hand and remove me from his grip but he pulls me closer making me bump into his hard chest. I feel my adrenaline rushing through my veins and my heart rate starts increasing. I tried to push him away from me but my energy was nothing in front of me, all I could feel was his hot breath near my neck but the next thing he did made me more shocked he covered my lips with his and started sucking my lower lip then I suddenly feel a sting on my neck and everything blackout Infront of me.

I opened my eyes and found myself lying on the couch in my cabin slowly sitting up to grasp everything "How did I end up here?" soon the door opened revealing Dr James he entered inside with a nurse and asked, "How are you feeling Dr Yoon?" I looked at him with a confused expression but said "Just feeling a headache Dr, can you please tell me what happened to me? As far as I remember I was in the patient's ward" Hold my head to remember everything "Don't pressurize yourself, Dr Yoon. It's just because of overwork and stress and I think you don't get sleep properly nowadays. We found you unconscious in the patient's ward thankfully he informed Jasmine (nurse) about you and she informed me then we both brought you here in your cabin. It's nothing serious but you need to rest. I assigned Jasmine to Mr. Park, so you can go back home and take some rest don't worry we will take care of him." he assures me then I also nod my head and agree to take leave after giving Jasmine his medical reports and explaining everything. I left the hospital and drove off to my house.
I reached my house and went upstairs to my room to sleep because I had a headache after freshening up I changed into casual clothes. I throw my tired body on my mattress

"I think everything was just my hallucination" thinking about that incident with Mr Park

Soon I drifted into sleep because I couldn't take that much pressure on my mind


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𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 (PJMFF)Where stories live. Discover now