Part :- 12

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The cold air on my skin made me feel a little shiver, All I could see were the black dots in the peripheral then opened my eyes with a jerk to find myself on the bed then immediately got up and looked around, only to find myself in the darkness. The aura of the room screams only his name, only dark just like "Him". Everything is black just like his heart. Once again those Flashed memories are recalled in my mind making me feel pity towards my fate and increasing my hate for him. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't even realize that someone's demonic gaze that digging holes in my body. Slowly lift my gaze to meet the demon's dark gaze, the Devil of my life, the only reason for my misery. Only his presence inside this room made me feel disgust and anger. I am still staring at him with hatred in my eyes and didn't even realize when he teleported in front of me. "Did you sleep well kitten?" said in his deep, manly voice, slowly lifting his hand to touch my face I immediately moved away with the jerk and growled "STAY AWAY FROM ME, ISN'T MARRY ME ENOUGH FOR YOU ?" Screaming with my lungs out "NOW YOU WANTS TO TOUCH MEH ALSO" Tightly hold my dress into my fist and look down as tearing flowing down from my eyes. I never cried like this in my life but because of this man standing in front of me. I tried to control my tears and then looked at him as he was continuously staring at me, only with dark rage. In a blink of a second, I found myself on the bed and his top on me caging me under him as he tightly gripped my both hand and said in a dangerous tone "If I only wanted to touch you then I would've done this already but I choose to make you mine officially kitten" leaning close to me then bite my earlobe making me startled "Move away" struggling with his grip "I WON'T" glare at me "Just accept me as Your Husband because, I am your present, and will be future too" said and turn his gaze towards my face, then little lower towards my lips, making me feel shivering down through my adrenaline.

No, No. I couldn't let him win this time said my subconscious

I feel my leaning closer as my eyes get closed automatically, it feels like my body freezes automatically, and my brain is not functioning anymore

Then the "Ahhh" sound echoed in the whole room as he moved away from me and groaned in pain because I bumped my forehead intentionally on his nose. I took advantage of this and immediately got up from the bed, picked up the flower vase placed on the table, and pointed towards him, "Didn't I tell you to stay away from me?" he started coming towards me making take my steps backward till my back touch the wall. He again caged me between his arms and said "You did a mistake kitten" growled making me shiver but chuckled and said "You also did a mistake for marrying me" staring at the floor continuously then I noticed the drops of blood. I raised my gaze and looked at him as his nose was bleeding. I feel a little bad because as a doctor, I must cure people not make them bleed like this but this man. "You are bleeding. Go and wash your face" I said in a cold tone but he didn't even budge from his spot "Are you listening to me or not? Go and wash your face. You are fucking bleeding man." Grab his collar with one hand because he is getting into my guts. I grabbed him by his sleeve "Let's go" took him towards the washroom entered inside and told him to wash his face, fortunately  he did. What a bipolar he is.

Then I leave the washroom take my seat on the sofa placed inside the room and continuously stare outside the window. Soon I felt someone's presence behind me and I knew it was him that's why I didn't say anything "If I knew I would get your care because of this nose bleeding then I would like to get injured like this in every minute" he said making me feel cringe at his sentence. I turned around and looked at him "You are not special . I did everything which I must do for a patient. Don't expect anything from me" gave him my dagger look "You are talking too much kitten. But don't forget who am I. Your parents and your so-called Ex-fiance are still under my supervision. If you ever try to speak or do anything against me, then they will face the consequences" He said softly but with threats making me feel scared for my loved ones. Again he said "Go and change your clothes or do you want me to change by myself" I cringed at him once again then spoke "I didn't bring my clothes with me. So I-" cut off by him "I already prepared everything for you before your arrival. Your stuff and everything inside that room" he said pointing towards the door inside his room . "freshen up and change your clothes or I would like to consummate our marriage if you are going to stay in this wedding gown" he spoke shamelessly making my eyes widen. I immediately got up and ran towards the room and closed the door. I placed my hand on my heart to calm down because of his audacity to say shameless stuff then looked around and widened my eyes. What is this? The ladies' section of a luxurious mall? Every kind of women's wear, clothes, branded shoes, accessories, and footwear. Rich guys said my subconscious making me roll my eyes

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