Part :- 14

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At the hospital

The bodyguards are causing me to feel embarrassed. They are now standing outside my cabin's door, making it awkward for me, patients, and people passing by in the corridor. I instructed them to stay outside the hospital, but they asserted that they could not disobey the master's order, Young Mistress. In my mind, I mutter the words "Master, my foot". I had the idea of using the phone in the cabin to contact my parents, but their number was not accessible. I don't know where they are now. Did he do anything with them? No, No!! Don't think negatively. Taking a second look at this, begin to concentrate on my work. Skipping to evening, I collected my belongings and left my cabin, but those bodyguards followed me from behind. As I entered the parking area and sat in the passenger seat, I was frightened by someone's presence. 'What are you doing here?' I asked.
He casually responded to my request for him to pick up my wife from her workplace. The word 'wife' seems like it's unfamiliar to me.
I said, in a single breath, that I'm not a small child you're coming to pick up, but he ignored me and ordered the driver to start the car. There was a pin-drop silence throughout the entire ride. No one spoke a single word. Soon we arrived at his house. I could never accept his cage as mine. I exited the car with my bag and entered the room. After changing my clothes, I freshened up and put on more comfortable clothes. I position myself in front of the mirror and begin drying my hair. Soon the door opened with the Devil's appearance as we made direct eye contact, but soon I broke it and looked away again focusing on drying my hair.
His cold voice reaches my ear "Dinner is ready. Come downstairs" said, giving me his creepy look
"I will eat later" I replied ignoring his gaze then within a blink of a second, my hair dryer dropped from my hand as he put my body on his shoulder like I was a kind of rag of rice.

A few moments later, I found myself sitting beside him in the dining room
"I want to meet my parents," said while glaring at him but he denied that it made me angrier "But why? Just let me meet them once" I punched at the dining table harshly which made me winch a little but he ignored me making my blood boil in anger which made me lose my appetite and then rise from the chair to the left of the dining room leaving my food untouched but soon stopped by a jerk and found myself on his lap
"WHAT THE HELL YOU THINK YOURSELF?" shouted at him and tried to get up but his hold around my waist made it difficult for me get up then he shut my mouth keeping his finger on my lips and said in whisper yet deadly voice "I will think about this" made me look at him then asked "When?" He chuckled at my words then said "Behave like a good wife , then I will" his sentence made me laugh "Good wife! My foot!! Park." again he said in a serious tone that made sure he is serious about this "Choice is your, Kitten"  finishing his words , he released me from his grip then said "Finish your meal" I nodded at his word because I don't have any choice at this time. Sigh at my bad luck , just once I want to meet my parents then I will about further thinking about this start eating the dinner without caring about his stares.

💀💅 Hello You'll!! It's been a long time or maybe decades. Sorry for delay because of my personal stuff and so many things. I didn't able to update this story. I know this chapter is short. I will try to make a long chapter. Hope you'll are doing great.
Thank You


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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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