Part :- 11

68 4 3

Third Person's POV

He starts taking his steps toward the aisle meanwhile Mark along with a few men also enters and surrounds everyone present there.

He looked at the priest and said "Without the groom, How could this marriage take place? Father" Then his gaze fell on the Y/N who was still processing everything but was intrupt by his voice "Looking Ethereal beauty My Bride!! " Her breath hitched after hearing him making her look up at him as her gaze met him showing a different kind of emotion not like his emotionless, hollow eyes but something new. Their eye contact was disrupted by Mr Yoon "Mr Park!! Didn't I already clear everything before then why are you here?" He goes towards him but deep inside he is feeling scared because of his family but he knows that he can't become weak in front of him "I request you Please leave here" But cut off but him "I also cleared you everything that I want everything positively but you" point his forefinger at him "You tried to cheat on me Mr. Yoon" his rage is showing in his tone "Don't worry Mr. Yoon but I will take my belonging with me today, and Infront of you all and nobody could stop me" he turned his eyes towards the Y/N and Steve who is holding her by her shoulder securing her from him "Leave her BASTARD" He growled loudly making her flinch "No Mr. Park" he said sternly and tightly hugs her, looking at them this close his eyes burned into the fire as he took out his gun from his waist and shot on his shoulder, making him fell on the ground and groan in pain then his father, Her parents run towards him. Y/N also ran towards him but was immediately stopped by him.

He grabbed her hand harshly and pulled her towards him making her bump into his hard-like chest

"Do you want your so-called fiance - Oops I mean Ex-fiance to see you alive then better marry me" He pointed his gun towards her father who was struggling in the grip of his men "Get agree otherwise next turn is of your Dad" She shooked her head in denial as words are not out from her mouth "Don't please!! I am ready?" said with her watery eyes then look at Steve, blood heavily flowing from his shoulder then look at her parents who are asking her to not agree with him but she turned away from them because she is becoming weak because of their pleading but this time, it's not only about her but also Steve and her parents. She can't be selfish. Then she said "Listen!! I agree to marry you but first take him to the hospital," said in a cold voice, staring into his eyes "What's so hurry? He won't die and I don't want you to show your care towards another man expect me," he said dangerously making his grip tight on her waist "First get marry then I promise I will send him hospital after that. Don't waste time kitten" making her nodded "Let's start  everything again father in law and mother in law please get a ready look at my bride because of crying her make up is ruined" he said while looking at her parents


After my mother did my makeup again in the bridal room we both left the room and then approached by Dad as he held my hand and kissed my forehead with his moist eyes. I raised my hand wiped his tears and said "Don't cry Dad . I will be fine" after sharing a short moment with them in the grief. We all took our leave from there.

I still couldn't believe that this was real, walking down the aisle made me feel like a Royal Princess from those movies as my dad was holding my hand. I knew that this was going to special moment in my life but everything felt like a dream from which I never gonna wake up. Soon my dad placed my hand on the guy in front of me which brought me back to reality as tears started flowing from my eyes to my cheek. He grabs my chin making me look at him at this moment all I wished was to kill myself rather than marry him but I couldn't
Soon priest started speaking then after the ceremony I found myself bound by this Devil with a pure bond like marriage

The priest started the process, making my heartbeat increase. At this moment, I just want my soul to leave my body. His presence is piercing my heart into pieces. I closed my eyes in the hope that everything gonna disappear from here and turned out to be just a worst nightmare.
"Yoon Y/N, will you have Park Jimin to be your husband; to live together with him in the holy of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto him as long as you both shall live?" I didn't want to say yes but my parents and Steve's faces appeared. I have to do this for them.

"I do" I replied as my eyes stared at the ground

Priest asked the same question to him

"I do," he said in his cold voice as a lone tear drop fell from my eyes

"Now exchange the rings," the priest said

He grabbed my hand and slid the ring onto my finger making me wear him also forcefully

Then the priest said "Now kiss the bride to seal this marriage"

I feel like someone snatched the ground from my feet, I could never expect him as my husband, forget about sealing this marriage with a kiss. I found him coming closer to me making my adrenaline rush down through my veins. Slowly my eyes start betraying me soon everything blackout Front of my vision

Welcome To The New World  "My Queen" he said and placed his lips on my forehead

That was the only sentence I heard


Hey Lovelies, How are you doing?
I just hope you are doing well
As I always said I need your support and feedback but still 🙂!! You guys only read silently. Sometimes I think that I should stop writing, maybe it's not a good story that you are not interested in giving feedback. Anyway, I just hope to get feedback in the future.
Thank You



𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 (PJMFF)Where stories live. Discover now