8. ~ Framed

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(A/N- I really like this one and had forgotten I wrote this, but found it a few days ago in my old diary, so here ya go. Hope you like it. Be sure to vote comment and enjoy!! )

(T/W- S.A. terms)

✧❋| ~ FRAMED |❋✧

While going through the forgotten trunk,
she found a frame.

The polaroid, which once screamed life,
now made all the colors on her face, drain.


'Having your loved one by your side,

is the best thing ever', she remembered.

Though right now, she wasn't happy
but frantically terrified.


The photo in itself wasn't the scary part-

They laid there on the beach,
under the moonlight.

Backs facing the camera,
sand kissing their feet.
Hands, held tight.

Scary, was what came afterwards.


"The love of my life", the words read.
But she was just disgusted and sad.

As the memories from 30 years ago,
all came rushing back.


A horrifying dream, she never wanted to face.
Now, chased her always.

Tears started rolling down her wrinkled face,
nothing more, now left to embrace.


All that was left were tears...
Tears and tears and tears of pain.

The one she trusted the most
was the reason for her present condition.

He raped her,
not physically, but of emotions.

~ Amaulia


How was it ?? Did you like it? (please vote if you did)

Anyways, how're you and how's your day been so far?


*Random question(s)*

What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen in someone else's home?

What weird talent(s) do you have?


Thankyouuu for checking this out! <33

Drop by on my Message Board or Ms, tell me about your day, you or just your life in general. Anything and everything. I'd love to interact with you.

Have a great day!!




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