Chapter 6: Sightings

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April 10 2023

It was next morning as Crowe was making his way to his workplace as Desmond was fixing his car and walked inside the building, He made it to the office as he saw the other employees speaking to each other.

Annabelle was seen sitting while reading a paper until she noticed Desmond looking at his phone as Woods quickly fixed her hair and shirt as She smiled at Desmond.

Desmond noticed her and smiled as He waved at her, Annabelle waved at him back before Crowe sat down and looked at his computer as Annabelle was smiling and was admiring Desmond before continuing her work.

Sometime later, It was lunch time as Desmond was seen having lunch alone because his friends were up to something, Crowe was looking at his phone while eating a sandwich until he received a text message from someone, Desmond looked at the number as he read the message.

Unknown: Hi :)

Desmond was confused and just left the message on read, Crowe continued scrolling through social media until he received another message from that number.

Unknown: Hello? Earth to Desmond?

Now Desmond was really confused, He doesn't know who's number is this, He thought his friends could be pranking him, Desmond looked at the message again before replying.

Desmond: Who is this?

Unknown: It's your co worker. :)

Desmond: Co Worker? Sorry, I already met a few people at work. Who exactly is this?

Unknown: Behind you :P

Crowe looked behind and saw Annabelle showing her phone while smiling at him, Desmond was shocked and confused, How did Annabelle get his number?

Desmond: Annabelle? Wait, How did you get my number?

Unknown: Don't worry, I didn't find it on the dark web. 😅

Desmond looked at her again as Woods covered her face in embarrassment, Desmond couldn't help but smile at her as He got up from his seat and took his sandwich.

Annabelle noticed he was walking towards her as She was starting to feel nervous and straighten her shirt while fixing her hair as Desmond waved at her.

Desmond: Not gonna lie, Your quite sneaky.

Annabelle: Well. . . I'll take that as a compliment.

She giggled as Crowe sat next to her and smiled as He took a bite of his sandwich and looked at her.

Desmond: So, What's up?

Annabelle: I thought we could just talk to each other.

Desmond: Talk?

Annabelle: I mean, You can have your first friend here

Desmond chuckled as Annabelle fixed her hair and smiled at him.

Desmond: Straight to the point, I'm surprised a beautiful woman wants to be friends with me.

Annabelle blushed a little while smiling as Desmond smiled at her, He found her cute when she blushes as Woods shook her head and said something

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Annabelle blushed a little while smiling as Desmond smiled at her, He found her cute when she blushes as Woods shook her head and said something.

Annabelle: Your already flirting with me?

Desmond: Hahaha, I wasn't flirting. I just wanted to compliment you.

Annabelle: Well thank you for the compliment, Desmond. Anyways, Where are your friends? Thought they would have lunch with you.

Desmond: Well, They kinda skipped lunch to work on something, I definitely want to buy something for them after they are done.

Annabelle: Oh I see, I feel bad when employees skip lunch just for work.

Desmond: I agree, That's why I'm gonna give them a treat after work.

Annabelle smiled at him as both of them continued speaking to each other, But Annabelle has been eyeing on him a little too much.

Desmond noticed her a few times but didn't really say anything about it, He had to admit that he also couldn't stop looking at her.

Annabelle: So, How is work so far?

Desmond: It's been good so far, Its way more comfortable then the last company I worked at.

Annabelle: I'm sorry to hear, It was probably stressful, Right?

Desmond: It was and my previous boss was something to be honest.

Annabelle: Can I know more?

Desmond: Well, He was greedy and needed more money from me no matter how much I give him, One day he threatened to sell my house and I got tired of his antics and left his company.

Annabelle: Oh gosh, That's horrible. . . So did you move out?

Desmond: Nope, Its still my house because i warned him that I will file a lawsuit since he never gave my salary for two months.

Annabelle: I'm so sorry to hear about that, The guy sounds like a huge jerk.

Desmond: He really was, but hey, Things has gotten better now.

Annabelle: I'm happy to hear about that, I hope everything stays that way.

Desmond smiled at her as Annabelle was staring at him before she said something.

Annabelle: Ummm by the way, Sorry if I creeped you out because of the sudden text

Desmond: What?

Annabelle: I mean, I think it was kinda creepy of me.

Desmond: No, no, Of course not. It's actually really cool to talk to you.

Annabelle: *Smiles* Then maybe we have something in common?

Desmond: We shall see.

He winked at her as Annabelle was shocked as Crowe fixed his hair as Annabelle looked at him.

Annabelle: Okay, Your definitely flirting with me.

Desmond: *Chuckles* Couldn't help it.

Annabelle raised an eyebrow and smiled as Crowe looked at her and smiled a little until she Alex, Robert and Logan walking to the table as Woods spoke to Desmond.

Annabelle: Oh, Look at that. I see your friends coming over.

Desmond: Finally, Do you want to join us?

Annabelle: No, Its okay. I'll go look for Julianne and Amanda.

Desmond: Alright, It was really nice talking to you, Annabelle. I think we can be good friends.

He gave a kind smile to her as Annabelle giggled and looked at him

Annabelle: Of course we can, Call me or text me anytime.

She winked at him as Desmond was shocked before she laughed a little as Crowe continued staring at her.

She winked at him as Desmond was shocked before she laughed a little as Crowe continued staring at her

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A/N: Thank you for reading and stay strong!! :)

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