Chapter 16: Dark Clouds

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September 24 2023

Things has gone intense since yesterday, Desmond was a bit ticked off and jealous when he saw Annabelle talking to Henry and that resulted into another argument between the two, What it seems like they were slowly falling out of love and that did worry their friends a lot.

It was the next day and another day at work, It was lunchtime as Annabelle was seen at the lunchroom with her friends as they were trying to tell her to talk to Desmond.

Amanda: This is not right, Annabelle. You really need to speak to Desmond.

Julianne: Just try telling him what you're feeling, okay?

Annabelle: No. . . . I don't want to see him.

Amanda: You clearly talk rough, but deep down, I know you still want him.

Annabelle was silent when she said that until she narrowed her eyes and looked at her friends while eating food.

Annabelle: After what he said to me, No.

Julianne: Annabelle, Please understand-

Annabelle: *Sees Henry and waves at him* Hey Henry!!!

Amanda: What the? Wait, who's that?

Annabelle: *Chuckles* That's a friend of mine

Julianne: What?

Annabelle smiled and got up as she quickly walked towards Henry, Amanda and Julianne looked at both of them before they looked at each other with concerned looks.

Julianne: This is not going well. . . .

Amanda: She's already talking to someone? They didn't break up, Did they?

Both girls sighed to themselves and saw Henry laughing and blushing over something she said as Amanda and Julianne looked at each other and didn't like how this was going.

Annabelle: Come on, Henry. You gotta tell me your workout routine.

She punched his arm and smirked as Henry laughed and felt a bit awkward, She noticed how awkward he was, which made her giggle and looked into his eyes.

Henry: I don't have any secrets, honestly, haha.

Annabelle: *Chuckles* If you say so, anyways wanna grab a dessert together?

Henry: Actually, I'm going to see someone-

Annabelle: Aww, come on, why are you always seeing someone? You should join me, I promise I'm friendly~

She winked and teased him as Henry was shocked but just chuckled, He still wanted to refuse, but he had no choice but to join her since she was a bit of a fun person, Annabelle grab his bicep as they walked away while Julianne and Amanda were shocked by seeing how close they seemed.


Alex: Desmond, You're being stubborn right now.

Desmond: I told you, I'm really angry at her. She's being distrustful to me.

Logan: Can't you at least tell her what's going on? You both don't even understand each other!

Robert: I didn't expect this from you, Desmond. You two need to talk, a little more nicer this time.

Desmond sighed as He continued walking while his friends were following him. However, Alex noticed Desmond had a rose on his side pocket as Ambrose was confused and questioned him.

Alex: Please tell me that Rose is for Annabelle.

Desmond: It's for someone else.

Robert: What!? Are you seriously giving roses to another person? Who is that?

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