Chapter 12: Blossom

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September 4 2023

Two weeks have passed, and Desmond and Annabelle's relationship has been going smoothly, The couple have been going out on more dates together and are having a lot of fun spending time together, Both of them were in love with each other and their love grew stronger then ever. Desmond and Annabelle's friends were really happy to hear about the couple and hoped that everything would continue to go well for them.

It was a day at work, Annabelle was seen talking to her friends as Amanda and Julianne were talking about Desmond as Woods was listening to them.

It was a day at work, Annabelle was seen talking to her friends as Amanda and Julianne were talking about Desmond as Woods was listening to them

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Hearing his name made Annabelle smile to herself, and both of her friends noticed it.

Julianne: Wow, look at that. You're daydreaming.

Annabelle: *Smiles* No, about who, though?

Amanda: Obviously, your man.

Annabelle smiled and knew that they knew about who she was thinking about, Amanda and Julianne smiled at her as Moore said something.

Julianne: We all know the truth, Annabelle.

Annabelle: I know that, I'm honestly really happy about this

Amanda: We are even happier for you, Sis.

Annabelle: I'm glad to know you girls supported me, Believe me, I'm so happy with him.

The girls had a smile on their faces. Amanda and Julianne felt happy knowing their best friend was in love with her new boyfriend, Just as they continued talking, They saw Desmond's friends approaching them as the girls smiled at them.

Robert: I thought Desmond was hanging out with you girls.

The girls laughed as everyone smiled at each other, Logan and Amanda shared a quick kiss as everyone awed.

Alex: Where is Desmond at anyway? I thought he was supposed to arrive by now.

Logan; I think it's the traffic, It was heavy traffic when I was making my work to work.

Julianne: Dang, I hate traffic.

Robert: Same here, but he should arrive sometime.

Amanda: Anyways, you should tell us something about your date, Annabelle.

Annabelle: *Laughs* What can I say? We have a lot of fun on every date. We also went to Disneyland last week.

Alex: Now that's adorable and Oh and speaking of the man himself.

They all turned around and saw Desmond walking towards them with a smile on his face with Natalie behind him, As soon as Annabelle saw her boyfriend, She had a huge smile on her face.

They all turned around and saw Desmond walking towards them with a smile on his face with Natalie behind him, As soon as Annabelle saw her boyfriend, She had a huge smile on her face

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