Final Chapter (20): Never Again

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December 28 2023

The evening had just begun as Annabelle was seen staring at the cars that were driving through the road. She couldn't forget about what happened between her and Henry, It wasn't like she was heartbroken or angry. She was just shocked by this unexpected reveal. It did make her feel guilty about everything.

She was in deep thinking, and the thought of Desmond kept appearing in her head, Maybe there was a huge misunderstanding between them, and it made her feel dumb that she was blinded by jealousy.

As she continued thinking about this, Annabelle didn't realise that her friends were walking by until they noticed her sitting all alone and immediately ran towards her, They were a bit worried right now.

Amanda: Annabelle!

Julianne: Are you okay? Why are you sitting here all alone?

Annabelle snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her friends, She felt a little awkward to explain what happened.

Annabelle; I'm fine.

Amanda: I thought you were with Henry? What happened?

Annabelle: Uhh well. . . . I don't know how to say this.

Julianne: *Frowns* Did he not accept your feelings?. . .

Annabelle: No, no, no. . . He's married.

Amanda: Wait, what!?

Julianne: He's married!?

Annabelle sighed and nodded, She explained everything that happened during the date. Amanda and Julianne were listening to her, but they were also shocked by this.

Annabelle: Now, of course, I can't do anything. He's married, and he loves his wife, I wasn't trying to break anyone apart-

Amanda: Hey hey, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault, At least both of you understood each other's feelings.

Julianne: Amanda's right, We knew your intentions very well.

Annabelle: Yeah, but let's just move on from that. Henry is happily married, and I'm okay with that, but there is something that's been going through my mind.

Amanda: What's the matter?

Annabelle: It's about Desmond. . .

"I think I regret leaving him"

Meanwhile, Desmond was seen standing while looking at the view of the park, He was distracted by his thoughts and feelings. He couldn't believe that Emmy was already married, and he felt guilty and hoped he wasn't trying to break someone else's relationship.

He knew he needed to move on now, Emmy is happily married, and he should be happy about this as well. But now he couldn't stop thinking about his ex, Annabelle.

Desmond began holding his head and sighed, He could feel his heart beat faster just by thinking about her, Now he regrets breaking up with her, and he feels horrible right now.

All these thoughts were stressing him out, He looked around before pulling his phone out and dialed Ettore's number, He waited for a response until his friend answered the call.

Ettore: *On Call* Hello?

Desmond: *On Call* Hey, uhh Ettore. . . Are you busy?

Ettore: I'm still working at the bar but I'm not really busy, What's the matter? You seem a bit down.

Desmond: *Sighs* Well, you know I was gonna confess my feelings to a co-worker of mine.

Ettore: Oh yeah, so how did it go?

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