Chapter : 2

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Only a week left till new session of school starts and two more years to bear until we graduate. In these two years students think of what they will do. Either to get a job or to go to a good university. Of course if you want to go to university than you need to have good grades. My friends seem to have things figured out for them.
Me on the other hand........ I don't know?
I have somewhat good grades but what do I want to do in the future? I had a dream once......... but it burned in fire.........
These were thoughts running through my head every now and then.
I get up from my bed and face the mirror in front of me. I'm a complete mess. My shirt is all crinkly, hair is messy. My hair. Its getting longer.....
"I need a hair cut. " I talk to myself.

I've always kept my hair short. I had pretty long hair up until middle school but I liked playing basketball and they would come in the way . So I snipped off my ponytail and never regreted it.
Althought my mom threw quite a fit. She wanted me to grow up in to a nice delicate women ( pfft) . She didn't mind me playing basketball but she just had this set image of how she'll raise me but was quite rebellious.

I get out of my bed and head towarda the closet to look for something to wear. I look through my various tees and finally get out a black checkered shirt together with my favourite pair of jeans .
This is my usual look most of the times.
I wear the earrings Krystal bought for me yesterday when we were hanging out. I like piercings and I have 4 of them on both ears .
I go down the stairs and meet my sister on the way.
"Woah Jackie! Early today?", My sister is an intern at a magazine company working as a photographer . She usually comes home during noon but today she's quite early.
She ruffles my hair a tries to kiss my cheek but I block her .
" Well I missed my baby sister alot so came back quickly ~", she makes a kissy face again.
"Ok eww. ", I scrunch my nose.
"Where are you ready to?" , She drops her bag on the couch.
I open the door and run out without answering. I could hear her screaming behind my back. Hehe~ I love teasing her like that.
I take out my bicycle from the garage and head towards the hair salon. Its my favourite one since a friend of mine works there and its not too far either.
I drive past the number of shops and stop in front of one. Its not the hair salon but I have been stopping in front of it whenever I walk past this place. Stopping in front of it but never entering it. Through its glass door I can see inside but the lights are turned off. I see the close sign on the door . Its usually open at this time.
I shake my head and sit back on the bicycle again. Not like I ever go there.......

I reach the hair salon and park my bike in front of it. A big sign greets you whenever you go there with "View" written in curvy red letters ; which is the name of the salon by the way.

"Key!", I announce as I enter.
"Bahhh!", my friend turns around with scissors in his hand. I see a customer seated with a cover around him . He must my having a hair cut too.
" Don't just shout like that! I almost had a heart attack! ", he hits my head.
"Stop being a drama queen", I rub my head and sit on the counter.
"I was giving a hair cut! What if I had an accident? ", he throws me a side ways glance.

I wait for him to complete his work and so I get a glimpse of the guy he's giving the hair cut.If I have to describe him in one word than that would be eyebrows; Damn impressive eyebrows he had. He looked kinda fierce and I realize that I have been staring at him. I quickly look away before it could've turned into an awkward situation.

"Done!", I hear Key chime as the guy gets up from the chair and woah! He was a tall dude! I get a clearer view of his face now and he was actually quite .......... handsome. I feel someone pushing my chin up and I look to my side and it's Key.

"I know he's good looking but close your mouth~", He whispers in my ear. I grab his head and put him in a head lock.

"Mercy!!", He taps my elbow and coughs . I let him go because the guy was now staring at us.

"Hey Kris you done?", I hear someone calling and turn around. Another really tall guy enters with elf like ears and two ice cones in his hands ( I started craving for some too T.T ) . The other guys nods and heads towards elf ears.

So his name is Kris...... Cool.

The elf guy hands him one of the ice cone and he goes out of the salon . Well it looked pretty rude of him to not even say thank you. I meet eyes with the elf guy and his eyes widens and passes a smile at me before exiting the salon too. Now that was really random.

I sit in one of the chairs and Key puts a cover on me to prevent the hair falling on me. The scissors' snipping starts. I play some music on my cell and start tapping my feet; but strangely his face wont leave my head.



I barely woke up this morning that I was greeted by a ferocious laughter in our kitchen. Still sleep stricken I dragged my feet towards our newly set kitchen and was welcomed by a set of pearly white teeth flashing in all its glory.

"Good Morning Kris!", A hand reaches to tap my shoulder following the overly cheerful greeting. I rub my eyes to see the face of this cheerful creature and just turns out to be Chase .

"The hell are you doing here early morning ?", I ask him in my groggy voice.

"It's 12 in the afternoon. ", I hear my Mom who's setting food on the dining table. " Chase is nice enough to come all the way here to give you a tour of the city." , She flicks my forehead. I sigh and just get straight to my breakfast or does it count as lunch now?

"You need to fight that laziness of yours.", I hear Chase as he nods to his statement.

"You need to fight that excess energy of yours.", I point my spoon at him before digging it in my rice. This guy looks like he's on an overdose of sugar.

After we had lunch together I got ready for my "tour" and head out with Chase. Luckily he brought his car cause it was way to hot to walk outside. I ask him if he knew a good hair salon cause my hair was too long that I had to fasten it back with a hair band or pins . He took me to really flashy one with an even flashier hairdresser .

It was nice in the the hair salon until Chase started yapping with the hairdresser. And I was afraid the hairdresser might not be able to concentrate and I might walk out looking like a mofo . So I requested Chase in the most nicest way possible if he could buy me some ice cream and he went out without any hesitation.
Finally his babbling went away but then someone else entered and starting making noise. The hairdresser screamed too and for a second i thought I lost my precious hair . Well they argued for a bit and then calmed down. I looked behind me and there was a tiny dude sitting on the cashier counter, although he quickly turned his head away. Wait was he staring?
Oh well like I a care. I just wanted a hair cut -_- .
It took five more minutes for the hair cut to be done. I check out in the mirror and he did a pretty good job. I give the guy err..... Key as written in his name tag..... a thumbs up.
"Hey Kris!" , I hear Chase entering the salon. I take the ice-cream from his hand and walk out. After a little while he comes out too.
"You look cool!" , he nods while licking his ice-cream. I say a silent thanks. And we both move on. He tells me his plans for the rest of the day and I only listen to some of it. Something like going downtown or whatever . LA or not, I just wanted some sleep.
Hi guys~ Sorry for posting the second chap after such a longgggg time. I'll try my best to update in time . I typed the whole thing on my cell so tell me if there are any mistakes so that i can correct them .
Its 10:00pm here so good night ^^

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