Chapter :4

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That was really strange . I just asked him if he wanted to play but he just dashed out on me. Sheesh..... Some people just don't know what manners are.

I like to play sports and specially basket ball. Usually I would play with a bunch of neighborhood dudes but no one seems to be coming today so I just play by myself.

I dribble around and pull of some really sleek shots but it got boring after a little while and I rest on a bench placed at a side of the court. I remember the times I used to come here with dad. We used to play from noon till late night that my Mom had to call us in sometimes. But dad's gone now. Never to be seen again.


>A week later<

So finally spring break's over and school starts again . I shuffle through my wardrobe deciding what to wear. Finally I just dress as I normally do. T-shirt and some pants and hoodie.

I go down stairs to the kitchen where mom had my breakfast  ready.

"Ready for a new year?", she throws me a high five. I take her hand and kiss it. "Sure~", I giggle as I take one of the pb&j sandwiches from the plate and head outside.

"Have a good day!!!", She yells from behind.

I walk down the street as I eat my sandwich. I guess I was too imersed in eating because I bumped into someone.

"Sorry!", I apologies to the person and he turns around to look at me.

Surprise surprise it's the rude guy from yesterday. He stares at me and squints his eyes a bit and then turns around and walks away.

Ok he's pretty cold. His back view was pretty impressive though. Broad shoulders, tall and nice built. This makes me think again if he plays basketball.

I just quietly walked, maintaining a subtle distance between us. It started to get awkward for me so I sped up and got ahead of him.

Then I don't know when it happened but he was ahead of me now. I again sped up and got ahead and he catched up to me again.

So now we were running trying to get ahead of each other . So a simple situation became an Olympic marathon.

We arrived at the school gate, both of us out of breath. I don't even remember if I won or not. I look over to him and he's wiping the sweat form his forehead. I flash him a smile hoping to end it on a good note but he just coldly ignores me and enters without muttering a word.

He's getting on my nerves more and more....

Well no use wasting my time on a guy like him!
I get to my new locker and it looks neat then the last one. Last year I got one with a broke lock and the school was too lazy to fix it .

I open to put my stuff in there but someone suddenly picks me by my waist.

"Charmander!", I hear a squeaky giggle.

"Henry out me down right now or you gonna get it!", I grit my teeth. My feet slowly touches the ground and turn around to face the moron. As usual Henry has a big smile plastered on his face. Beside him was Key with blue hair. (like wtf?)

"Key you know you're gonna get in trouble for your hair."

"Like I have ever cared what school says. Fashion is expressing yourself. I can express myslef however I want! This is a free country!", he ends with a hair flip.

Well he got a point.

I haven't seen Krytal or Amy yet . I bet they're in the class already. We start off to our class as well. But that suddenly reminds me of the rude guy. I wonder which class is he in or is he a senior? Could be junior too.
I was sitting  outside the principal's office waiting for my teacher. I'm not so thrilled to be here but I have to graduate. I look around the place and spot a soft board on the wall. A big poster of "Shadow Wolves" was posted on it. I suppose its there basketball team. Basketball.......... event of spring comes flooding my mind again.

I shake my head to get rid of the memory. I'm in a new place for a new start. I have to move on. It's useless to think of the past. Not like I can change it........

The school bell rings and a along with it my teacher comes to escort me.

"Kris Wu?" , he asks me. I politely nod and introduce my self to him.

"I'm Bradley your home room and Chemistry teacher. " he smiles and shakes hands with me.

He's really well built and the type of teacher girls are craving for his attention. I mean even as guy I think he looks cool.

I follow him through the hallways to our class. He enters first and I follow him. The class gasps as he stands behing the table and I swear I hear a girl squeal.

"Ok then your attention please! Welcome your new classmate ." then he turns to me and gestures me to introduce myself.

I bow and simply introduce myself.
"I'm Kris Wu. ".

The teacher points towards a seat for me. Gosh it's right in the middle for everyone to see me.

I walk towards my seat and keep my bag on my desk. The teacher or Brad as I have decided to call him , tells us to take out our books.

I take out my book and pencil. Wonder why I even bothered . Not like I'll even pay attention. I'm not in the mood for anything. That being said why am I even here?
Oh yeah to get a new start! *rolls eyes*

Someone beside was i constantly tapping there foot and it was really annoying.

I turn around to see who it is and its her..... the tomboy .
She's starting shameless at me. Why do I have to deal with weirdos like her.


>Amber <
Ok yeah I was trying to piss him because he deserves it, I don't know why but he does. Like what is this guy's problem? Why am I caring so much? I turn my head away and look outside the window.

"Hey!", Krystal who's sitting in front of me whispers .

"Yeah?", I move forward to to listen better.

"Isn't the new dude really hot?", she gives a cheeky smile.

I roll my eyes and squint my eyes at her. "What about Stefan? Are you leaving him ?"

Seriously she looked so pissed.

"He's my baby!", I think she said that a bit too loud because a bunch of people turn at our direction; including Stefan.

Krystal hides her face while I control my  giggling. Krystal had been "stalking" Stefan since middle school but never got enough courage to actually confess to him.

The classes pass by and I feel like killing myself. Like first day of new semester and already 3 quizzes? They are really taking it seriously when they said they're gonna work our gears. Well I wish they would do it a tad bit slowly..........


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