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>Kris <

Half of the classes were over and it was time for recess. Chase was waiting for me outside the classroom, smiling like his usual self. I mumble a "hi" to him and start towards my locker.

"Hey I want to show you something. ", he swings his arm around my shoulder.

"What?", I raise an eyebrow.

"Follow me!", he grabs my arm and leads me through the hallway .

We arrive in front of two big doors. Chase pushes  of the door and booms a greeting inside. I peek my head and see guys in jerseys running around,a basketball moving swiftly from hand to hand until one big guy grabs a hold of it and smoothly throws it in the basket across the court.

The atmosphere was so familiar yet so foreign. It has been so long I've run in that court. The feeling of the rugged surface of the basketball against my skin. I miss it all so much.

Chase pulls me inside and points at the court.

"I know how much you love basket ball so I thought you'd like to join our school team", he smiles at me. My brows were furrowed together. " The best part is! I'm in the team too, so you wont feel lonely."

I didn't knew what kind of reaction I should give him. Chase seemed to have noticed my uneasiness as his smile disappeared.

"Sorry Chase.", I clear my throat. "But I quit basketball a long time ago.....".

Chase rubs his hands together and tries to ask something but only sighs.
"Why? What happened. You leaving basketball......... just like that?".

"Don't ask me why. Just please don't.", I try not to remember the horrible memory again. I don't want to be plunged in to depression again. I silently walk away.

I wanted to be alone.
>Chase <
Kris quitting basketball? Last time I checked, that guy was practically dating  it. Something must have happened. Is that why he moved to LA all of a sudden? I must ask him.

I was going to follow him but somebody twisted my ear really hard .

"Skipping practice? ", I feel Louise's blonde locks tickling my nose.

"Ow ow no! Leave my ear! It hurts!"

He drags me inside the gym and lets go of my ear.

Louise is our team captain. Although he's short for a basketball player , he can take everyone here single handedly ; that's how skilled he is. I wanted to talk to Kris but Louise wont let me off so easily.

"Ok! Change into your jersey. You know how important this year's tournament is.", Louise starts stretching.

I have to do what he tells me. I can't afford a scolding from him.



I have a really competitive spirit. So you should be careful while challenging me to anything. Well Key and Henry haven't seem to have understand this bit even after all these years. It even got me into trouble and I ended up paying someone for their dried fruits and ......cherry tomatoes.

I should stop being so stubborn.

So Henry reckoned I wont be able to reach the school gate from class in a minute. Being a thick head myself , I decided to rush out as soon as the school ended. So as soon as the bell rung ; I dashed out of the class almost tripping our teacher , bumping into some student and finally when I reached the gate I wasn't able to get a hold of myself and bumped into this guy so hard ,he fell down . Something flew out from a bag he was holding.

I was so embarrassed! I picked his bag for him and apologized continuously . He got up , dusting his pants and stared at me with cold guys. I gulped really hard............

It was Kris.

He snatches his bag from me and slings it across his shoulder.

"What is your problem?", He steps forward.

"Ever since I met you, trouble has been following me..", He grits his teeth.

" I'm sorry.....", I look at my feet. "Sorry for your biscuits too....", I eye the broken biscuits which flew everywhere.

"They are wheetables! Not some processed cheap biscuits. My mum made them for me!", He rants .

Wheetables? Don't old people eat that stuff?

"Well you can have my cheetos..", I take it out from my bag. It was jumbo packet which I was saving for later but right now I wanted to compensate.

He wrinkles his nose and looks at the bag with disgust. "I'm not eating that junk....Forget it! I'm going home!", He spins on his heels and struts away.

I shrug and and open the bag to eat some myself. I keep going behind him since we live in the same place but he kept asking why I'm following him.

"Well cause my home is the same way.", I say as-a-matter-of-factly.

We pass by a store and he stops and grabs my arm to stop me too.

"You have to compensate ", says Kris , towering over me.
I blink twice and nod to him.

We go inside the store and Kris starts looking for stuff. I grab some gummy worms and more cheetos because priorities. He comes back with a pack of cherry tomatoes and dried fruit slices.

"You eat this stuff?", I twitch my nose.

"Better than those chemicals. ", he eyes my snacks. He's not normal.

I pay for out stuff at the counter. A drunk guy comes in that moment and leans on the counter beside me. I didn't noticed him that much beside me. He swing his head several times when he collapse on me. I shriek.
He's holding on the side of my shirt. I try to remove him before he tears it with force. I feel air on my shoulder and he managed to rip it. Kris comes on time and rips him aways from me.

I eye the guy on cash register who was watching the spectacle. He could've helped me. Pissed, I throw the money at him and step out of the store.

Outside I feel someone slip something on my shoulder. Its a scarf and behind me is Kris.

"What's this?", I raise my eyebrow.
He clears his throat and leans closer , whispering in my ear. "Your bra strap was showing. "

Oh yeah that jerk tore it near my shoulder. I feel embarrassed and turn my head away.

Kris takes his stuff from me and starts going when he turns his head and I find a mischievous look.
"Well judging the way you look, I didn't expected you like lacy stuff."

He smirks and jogs away , leaving me dumbfounded and red.

My anger was at its peak. I kick a near by parking poll and clutch my fists tightly. "You're so dead....", I mumble under my breath.
> hello to my readers. I'm late with the update but it's been pretty hectic and some personal stuff was going around so yeah it took a while. Thank you first of all for all the reads and welcome to the new readers ^_^ . Hope you enjoy my effort and if you like it then please don't forget to give a vote . Have a nice day~

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