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Finally now I'm playing basketball again and it feels really unreal. I thought I had given up for good but I was going hard on my self. I suffered more because I was restraining myself.
I wanted to tell mom about as soon as possible but she must be busy at work. Maybe when she reaches home.

I search through the T.V to watch something but afternoon is never the good time to watch anything on T.V since nothing intresting airs unless you are interested in national geographic or animal planet.

I turn the T.V and off and walk out towards the porch. I notice our plants looking dry. It has been days since we watered them. Better keep myself busy with that.

I connect the hose with the tap and start watering the place. But then I hear a yelp among the bushes. I turn off the water to look. It was a dark brown chihuahua stuck in some thorns.

"How did you got in there?" , I look at it. It kept trying to free itself but it's paws was bruised probably from pulling.

I reach towards it slowly incase it tried to attack me. I pat its head to make it safe and then slowly get ot out of their.

"Aren't you cute?", I hold it in my arms. It licks my hand. Weird....animals don't usually like me.

It was wearing a collar. Must have gone lost. "What's your name?", I check if anything is written on the collar and yeah there's a number mentioned. I go inside the house to get my cellphone. And place the puppy on the couch.

"Hello?!", I here a paniced voice on the other side.

"Hi um your puppy is with me. ", Somehow the voice sounded very familiar.

"Oh my gosh.... ", I hear her sigh. " Can you tell me where you are um.... Sir? "

Is it her?, "Amber?", I ask.

"Wait! You know me?"

"Its Kris.", I chuckle. "Come by your puppy is with me. "

Well the line got cut off immediately. After a couple of minutes I heared a doorbell. And yeah it was her ,panting hard. The puppy jumped from my hands and limped towards her.

"Oh jack jack you scared me. ", she rubs his back. "You're hurt! ", she looks at his injured paw.

"Yeah he was stuck in our bushes. Glad I found him."

"Oh Kris!", she stands up. "I forgot you were there. Thanks for finding him. He slipped from me while walking and just ran off to nowhere. "

"Its ok. ", I laugh. "Since you're here want to have some ice-cream? Its really hot and you came running. You should cool down. "

"Well if its ok with you..."

"Its fine. ", I gesture her towards the living room.
>Amber <
It was my second time in his house. Somehow I was all tingly inside. I wondered if anyone else came here beside me. Of course his friends might have come. Like that's natural.
Gosh Amber what are you on about.....

He comes with two ice-creams in his hands. He hands one to me and sits across me. Jackjack was lying in my lap.

"This is a repay for the last time ", he takes a big bite and here my brain was freezing from watching him eat like that .

"Repay for what? ", I slowly take out the wrapper from mine.

"You left your ice-cream tub here last time. For that. ", yeah now that I remember I did. Just then i hear a car engine stop outside the house and the door opens.

"That must be Mom. ", Kris gets up. I get out to greet her too. And wow she was really pretty and tall too. Her eyes were just like Kris's.

"Hello", I greet her awkwardly while Jackjack was sleeping in my arms.

"Oh hi. Its nice to see Kris bringing his friends around. " , she caresses my cheek as if greeting me. To be honest i felt really flattered.

"Mom.", Kris holds her by her arm. "I started playing basketball again...."

His mom looks at him for a minute and suddenly tears start flowing form her eyes.

"Oh. " she wipes them quickly. At that moment I wish I could leave them alone. She hugs him without any words . I see her lips repear "That's great" over and over again.

It was a time for them to be together and I slowly make my way towards the door.

"Where are you going? ", His mother calls me out. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just well.."

"No its perfectly fine!", I scratch the back of head.

"Kris did you presented your guest with something? ", she looks at him.

"Yeah he treated me to ice-cream. Actually I just lost my little buddy here and he came to find him so that's why I came here. So I'll be going then."

I do a small bow to her and wave bye at Kris. As I was waving I saw his eyes. They were glossy. He didn't wanted to cry infront of his mother.

I realised that basketball was more than just a game for him. It must mean a lot for him for his mother to cry like that.

I was like that too I guess . But I'm not so brave. I don't have the courage to face my fears.

It was another day at school. Kris and I have frequent basketball games at the park. We've gotten much closer.
But these days he seems to be busy a lot and we don't meet up much.

I've been enjoying his company a lot. Seeing him makes me happy. I talked about this with Amy. She keeps telling me that I might like him . But I don't know . I don't know what's it like liking someone. I never experienced feelings like these before. But when you like someone don't you expect the person to like you back? I don't know how Kris views me like. A friend? Just a girl in the neighborhood? Or just a classfellow .

As usual Krystal greets me with a hug. But then Stefan passed by us and she started being all shy and stuff. She looks cute like that. I wonder how long she has been liking Stefan by now.

*sigh* I can't believe I'm talking like this!!! This is so not me. I take a deep sigh and ruffle my hair in frustration.

"Does there seems to be a problem Ms Liu? ", I didn't realise I was in class. It was physics class. Everyone was staring at me.

"It was just that I couldn't solve this solution so it frustrated me ..hehe....", the teacher raises his eyebrow and then goes back to writing on the black board.

Someone throws an eraser from behind and I turn around to see Key acting out what I did earlier.

"You. Will. Die", I run my thumb across my neck while mouthing these words but of course he just snickers away leaving me even more flustered.

I look beside me to find Kris sleeping while keeping the book up. His eyes were partially covered by his long bangs. I put my head on my desk to get a better view. I keep forgetting how good looking he is.
Somehow I felt warm inside.

It felt like it was only us in the room.
I wanted that moment to last forever. Me looking at him. But in fact it was just me trying to reach him.

It was just me discovering a new part of myself.

Hi guys. *cough* yes its been long
ㄱㅅㄱ. I was suffering fro. A writer's block but yes I've recovered somewhat. I think.
Please do comment and vote if you lile the chapter. You know it helps and motivates alot.
Have a nice day~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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