Part 11: Loner's trail and Silence of the Crow

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Now with the help of Raven, I can get closer to finding Kiana and Patrick. This was a temporary truce so I want to make sure that I can prevent her from killing Kiana.

Mei: ...

Raven: ...

Raven: This silence irks me. Say something, girl. I know we're not friends, but I don't mind talking.

I did not reply.

Raven: ...Fine. I'm tracking the Herrscher of the Void and the other one. When I comeback here I found something left by the one called Patrick. He left some burn marks on a wall with writing saying that he is guarding the Herrscher of the Void with his master from the Honkai. That was all the writing said. ... Hmm... I just found a few suitable targets.

Raven's cape fluttered and she was gone in an instant... Honkai chariots appeared. I slashed at them with my sword. Then Honkai archangels appeared after I defeated the chariots. I slashed with my sword and used electric attacks with my sword. After I defeated the archangels, Honkai knights appeared. They tried ramming at me but I dodged them and slashed at them till they were dead. However a Honkai chariot appeared but Raven came in and slashed it.

Honkai Beast: ...!!

A dark shadow flew past. Raven landed on the beast and sank her talons into its carapace. A crimson hue quickly spread across the pale white shell until the beast was wholly covered in darkness.

Raven: The pain will be gone, child.

The beast's dying roars soon stopped. It then collapsed lifelessly to the ground.

Mei: What did you do to it?

Raven: An intimate "exchange", you might say.

Raven: These common beasts aren't sentient, but will still respond to Honkai signals like they're some form of pheromones. Disrupting these signals allows us to change their behaviors. Controlling one beast will let us command the others. That's how I've kept the beasts and zombies away from the safe zone.

Mei: (...So that's how the safe zone works.)

Raven: This "exchange" lets me send messages. I can receive messages from them as well.

Raven and I continued forward killing more Honkai beasts. She's mapped out some spots in the west city on a map to find Kiana and Patrick. She needs more samples to find their exact location. I have hope that I'll find them. Raven intends to keep her job a secret from Sora and the children. She also told me that the children were born with stigmata and can't live without stigmata. I had asked her why she wanted to kill Kiana and she told me her answer. She wouldn't take any risks with her.

Mei: It wasn't her fault. It was Otto Apocalypse's fault. That's what Patrick-kun would say. He wants to kill him because he was the one who caused the 4th impact. Not Kiana-chan.

Raven: That makes no difference. The Herrscher was the one who caused the eruption.

Mei: After the Overseer awakened her. It was his fault not her's.

Raven: Look. I'm not going to argue with you any further. I believe in facts and evidence. Sadly, neither you nor Anti-Entropy has any.

She casually tossed away the last Honkai beast and leaped away.

Raven: I'm a villain, but I'm not a demon. You must know that real demons actually roam this world. People will hate her, use her, covet her powers, and seek to control her. Her life is hell and will never get better. You can't even stop me. Do you think you can stop those people?

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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