Part 9: Return of Benares

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Patrick's point of view:

"Don't you move. Unless you'd like to be lanced or get a hole in you." I held my Dragon Sword at the Honkai Dragon's neck. It tried to attack but then I did a time fracture and switched to the Dragon Hammer and smashed it on Benares' back making it roar in pain as it hit the ground. "Imbécile. What exactly did you think you were trying to pull just now? If you know what's good for you, stay down and don't try to do anything funny." I spoke like Polnareff when he caught Hol Horse in season 2 episode 12 of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders" then I froze Benares' 4 legs. "Toriyama and I thought we sensed something powerful following us like a desperate starving hyena. And wouldn't you know I just happen to stumble across our old friend Benares. It looks like you're still trying to kill us and finding your queen which means you haven't learned your lesson yet. Say, thanks for all the fun and taking care of us back at Schicksal HQ. You should be glad that Himeko and I let your queen live or else you would have killed the second you saw me here. Everyone has been wondering of what happened to you after the battle at Schicksal HQ after you were pounded on the Hyperion before Himeko got sucked into the Void and it turns out that you were here the whole time."

Toriyama and Kiana came out of hiding and Benares noticed them. "You here alone Benares? No way. A servant of a Herrscher wouldn't come by themselves. Which must mean that more Honksi Beasts that Sirin created 4 months ago must be around here in Nagazora City." I said. Suddenly, Benares changed color to orange and used fire to set itself free from me. I jumped out of the way then Toriyama blasted a mix of water and electricity from his mouth which blasted Benares away and made it fall into the Honkai water.

"That was Benares. The Judgement-class Honkai Beast that Sirin created. Never thought that I would see it again after fighting against it and Sirin at Schicksal." I said. "It felt familiar." Said Kiana. "There was something different about it." Said Toriyama. "It was more ferocious and stronger. Completely different than when I and the girls last fought against it at Schicksal HQ. I think Benares must have fallen off the Hyperion then splashed into the ocean and then washed up here in Nagazora City where it must have been training to get stronger. I hope that Mei doesn't encounter Benares or else she will be dead."

Flashback end:

Mei's point of view:

The very same Judgement-class Honkai Beast I fought against at Schicksal HQ while trying to save Kiana from Otto and Sirin was here and still alive. And was glowing purple instead of it's usual blue. "It looks different... The power feels like..." I didn't have time to guess as I dodged an attack Benares sent at me. It was using lightning and ice attacks. It shot dark balls of electricity and beams of ice. I had to fight it to protect Sora. "Kiana, Patrick, and Toriyama must have encountered Benares here in Nagazora City."

I tried to fight against Benares but I couldn't last long enough. "Hngh...!!" 'What's... happening? My head... it hurts so much!' My mind was overcome by a strange dizziness, and ached with the crack of lightning and rumbling of thunder. '...things don't look good... the beast is even more ferocious than last time...' I grabbed Sora and leaped into a narrow depression while the beast flew closely behind. "It's... it's right behind us!" Shouted Sora. "Move aside, Sora!" Shouted another voice. Someone slashed at Benares, causing it to roar in pain. Sora saw who it was. "... Ah! Sensei!" It was Raven.

I couldn't process

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I couldn't process. The assassin from Arc City was here. "You...! Aren't you..." "Take her to somewhere safe, Raiden Mei. I'll handle this." "...come on, Sora, let's go!" I got up and carried Sora in my arms to get her back to the Roost while Raven held off Benares.

"It's sensei! Sensei is back!" "Your sensei... is that woman?" "Yes... what's wrong? Do you know her?" "..." I couldn't bring myself to tell Sora that Raven and I were enemies. She won't understand the history between Raven and I. I killed some Honkai Beasts along the way till we safely got back to the Roost. "Phew... Should be safe here..." I suddenly noticed that Dr. Tesla was not here. "Eh? Dr. Tesla is not here? Where did she go..." Raven appeared before me out of nowhere. "I've been waiting for you, Raiden Mei." The shadow flew past. The lady in black cape landed silently.

You're back, Sensei! Did you beat that huge monster?" Asked Sora. "Sorry, it got away, but not before I broke one of its wings. It won't be able to fly for a while. ...we'll talk about this later, Sora. Get everyone inside and leave us. I need to talk to our guest alone." Answered Raven. Sora felt tension in the air. She nodded nervously and disappeared in one of the shelters. "......" "You must have many questions, but I hope you can first accept my gratitude. The children told me everything. You saved Sora and the Roost. If not for you, they might be... anyway, thank you." "You're the sensei?" "I am." "The children's stories about you hardly described the assassin I've met at Arc." "We all have our little secrets, don't we?" "...I hope their trust in you is not misplaced." "You came here for the Herrscher girl and the Herrscher boy, right?" "Yes, and Sora said you can help us find them." "That's true, but I'm afraid I have bad news for you." "Why?" "Because I came here to *end* her existence for good."

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