Part 7: Dreaming Flashback

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I dreamed that night. The dreams felt so real that I thought I traveled back in time to that very afternoon three years ago.

Mei's Dream: It was when Kiana and I escaped from some Honkai zombies. "Ah... I'm so worn out! We finally lost them. These zombies could really run... they're nothing like the stupid slowpokes I saw in the movies." Said Kiana. "......" I didn't say anything. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you so quiet?" "What will happen to us? The entire city is destroyed. There are monsters and zombies everywhere. There's no help in sight... We're trying to escape the city, but where can we escape to?" "You worry too much. Look, I know this wise saying: Things will workout and then it will... grow muscles..." "I believe it's: "things will work itself out." Oh dear, how did you even get into Chiba."

"Eh... whatever. That's not important. We can keep going east, go through that barrier, and meet actually people. If not, we'll just head north, or... borrow a boat and head to another country. See, we have plenty of options." "...... ...I think you better leave without me. You might actually survive on your own... but I... I'm a ticking time bomb." "Stop that stupid nonsense! You're already back to normal!" "You have no idea how I feel... It felt as though darkness assailed me from all sides and tried to tear me apart... I know the voice is still there... even if we escape, it will follow me wherever I go... If... if I lose control again..."

"Then I'll just beat you one more time. Easy." "...what?" "Look, I'll carry you from danger and beat up all the bad guys. If you turn into that Herrscher thing again, I'll just club your senses back into your head. I can do this all day, and I'll keep doing it to protect you. But your head might hurt a bit. I mean... a lot. So quit worrying. You said you were alone. I used to be alone myself. Two ex-loners make the perfect team. We should focus on team-building and knowing each other. We can even be friends." "But the others... they won't think like that..." "They won't think anything if they don't know nothing! We'll keep this as our BFF secret. And we're super-cute. We can bluff our way out of things. Tried it many times when I was traveling. Always worked!" "...... You... you're the biggest idiot I've ever seen."


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"But... you make me feel safe." "What did you just say?" "Nothing. Let's get going." "What? Now? I'm starving and tired. I need food..." "I'll make something once we get somewhere safe. Snacks from convenience stores won't last forever." "You? COOK?! Aren't you a super-pampered princess who can't do nothing?! Whatever. I gotta warn you. I'm super-picky about food and I'm not easy to please." "*Chuckle* We'll find out soon."

The following morning: "Dr. Tesla..." "Ah? What now... Mophead..." "Wake up... we have a situation..." "...situation? Oh, right... set a warp destination to... Alpha Centauri..." "Dr. Tesla... Dr. Tesla..." "...gosh... don't rush this jump..." "...... Dr. Tesla, you must wake up right now! The flooding in Nagazora... it just got a lot worse!"

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