Part 3: The Mysterious Girl

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"We're very close to the next location." Said Dr. Tesla. "The closer we get to downtown, the less viable paths there are... The overpasses, the streets... all drown. I don't know where we're going, and I feel like we're running in circles." I said. "...Sigh, if only we had a map that works. Forget it. Let's focus on the road."

We came across a broken bridge that was not connected. I had to carry Dr. Tesla in my arms while I jumped over to the next building top then I out her down. Then we came across something unexpected. "Huh? Why is there an AE assistant robot?" Asked Dr. Tesla. "Looks broken. Maybe left here three years ago?" I asked. "Nah. Looks pretty new to me. I doubt that Patrick would make this his second clue." "I don't think he did. Someone else must have left it here."

"Alright, let's get to work." We set up the energy scanner expectantly, only to be disappointed by the same lonely red dot on the screen. "Ah, no luck at all..." "...Wait!" As Tesla turned off the filter, a massive cluster of small and large red dots flashed on. "Something strange here... not a zombie, but not a Honkai Beast either... a human?" "Human? Why would there be anyone left here?" "Let's go take a look." We went over to where one of the red dots were.

"Wait, something funny on the ground. This is..." "Is this... a child?" I finished for Tesla. On the ground was an unconscious young girl.

A few minutes later, Helios: 'We don't know who this kid is, but we couldn't simply walk by

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A few minutes later, Helios: 'We don't know who this kid is, but we couldn't simply walk by...' I looked into the sick bay through the door window. The little girl had awakened. Tesla was sitting by her and saying something. The girl looked flustered, but she tried hard to listen. I waited on for a few minutes before the door creaked open.


"Dr. Tesla, who is this girl?" I asked. "Exactly as we suspected... ...A Nagazora refugee." Tesla's answer made me frown. "Her name is Sora. She grew up in Nagazora and fled to the east city after the eruption. She's been here since. There are dozens of more kids like her, all under 16. They've lived in the ruins for three years." "But how could this be? Back then, Schicksal dispatched three branches here for disaster aid. Hard to imagine anyone would be left behind." "I asked her about the past, but her memory seemed lost. Couldn't remember a thing about the eruption. These kids are now living in a place called the "Roost". Ever heard of it?" ""Roost"? I don't recall such a place in Nagazora." "Um... they have a manager. Seems to be female. Sora calls her sensei. She is usually absent. Only back here once every few months with supplies and food. To keep the Roost running. But why didn't she take the kids out if she can come and go freely? Ah... it's a big mess, and this sensei complicates things further. Even messier then Mophead's bedroom now. I need to clear my head. Go ahead and talk to her."

I nodded and opened the door. I walked in and greeted Sora. "Hi, I'm Raiden Mei. You can call me Mei." I introduced myself. "Oh... hello, madam." Replied Sora. "Please, just call me Mei. Dr. Tesla told me your name was Sora, right?" "Yes... that's how they call me. Thank you for saving me..." "Don't mind it. You're perfectly healthy, and your injury will recover in no time. We can take you home as soon as you get better. Are you hungry? Wanna eat something?" "Hmm..." Sora lowered her eyes. Her lips parted and closed. I saw her eyes wandering beyond the window and seemed to understand why.

"Did you lose something?" "...Yes. A little robot... round and blue... His name is Mark. II. He is my friend and sensei gave him to me, but I couldn't find him... after I woke up..." 'An assistant robot? I might have seen it somewhere.' "His brain has stored a lot of stuff. There are many things I can't do without him." "I'll go find it for you." "...Thank you, Mei."

I went back outside to find Sora's assistant robot. I came back to the spot I was at with Dr. Tesla. "I remember it's around here." I looked and finally found it. "...Ah, I found it!" I ran into a bunch of Honkai archangels but then I used my burst and destroyed them one by one. Then I beat more Honkai monsters. After I was done, I picked up the robot. "Let's bring this back. Sora would be glad." I started walking back to the Helios. "Now what would Patrick say when making a pop-culture reference?" I thought about that he would say and figured out what to say. "This feels like Chernobyl City after the Chernobyl disaster and Janjira from "Godzilla" 2014. Ha... I'd rather like that." I came back to the Helios with Sora's robot.

"Here, you good friend." "Ah... Mark II, you're back!" Sora cuddled the little robot like the most adorable cherished treasure. "My memory is bad. I can't remember a lot of things. Mark II is like my second brain. He can remind me when I forget. Just say "Mark II, Mark II, who a I?" and he will... ... ...Why didn't he answer me? Huh? Mark II can't speak now. Is... is he dead?" "There there... Robots don't die. He is probably just broken... Dr. Tesla should be able to fix him."


Clang... Clang...

"It's done. Here you go!" Dr. Tesla fixed Mark II up. "Buzz... ... ...Good... morning." Mark II spoke. "Oh, Mark II is alive again!" Said Sora. "Dr. Tesla, I asked Sora where the Roost was, and it seems be very close to the last probing location. She is back on her feet again. We can drop her at the Roost and talk to the refugees. If they've stayed in Nagazora all along, someone might have seen Kiana, Patrick, and Toriyama." I said. "Da. Let's do this."

Sora began leading us to the Roost. "It's strange here. Let's get to the main road first." Said Sora. We took the main road as we followed Sora. "Oh, I know this place. Should be... ...Where to go now?" Asked Sora. "Left." Mark II answered for Sora. "Ah! It's left... I'm losing my faith..." We went left. Whenever we encountered Honkai zombies and beasts, I protected Dr. Tesla and Sora.

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