Part 2: Return to Nagazora

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As we were arriving in Nagazora City, I looked out the window. They were here, this is where we managed to detect Herrscher energy. I'm going to save Kiana... and this time... I'll do right...

Dr. Tesla came in. "We've arrived. This is where Herrscher energy was detected." Said Dr. Tesla. I took my hand off the window. "Kiana... Why... Why did you come to Nagazora?"

The Helios scanned for a place to land and it found a landing spot on top of a building. Nagazora City has changed over the past few years. It was flooded with Honkai water and was in ruins and abandoned.

"Let's go through what we know so far. Yesterday, a Schicksal lab in North Africa was attacked by World Serpent, and the imprisoned Kiana and Patrick escaped the lab on the back of the Guardian Dragon Toriyama and flew away. A few hours later, our Far East post found a Herrscher energy signature in Nagazora that matched the previous samples." Explained Tesla. "She teleported here using her Herrscher power." I said. "Yes, an ultra-long-distance teleportation. They went off the radar since then... Our posts picked up nothing, and neither did our satellites. But at least we're sure they were there. We might find more clues in the city." "Nothing from Schicksal yet?" "Not yet. We're ahead of them this time. Helios landed in east Nagazora. We can set up a base point here and start from the neighborhood. The city is now a ghost town. I can build a simple detector matrix and try to locate them through Honkai energy. First we need somewhere open and flat."

I held my Dawn Breaker: Talwar as I went ahead with Dr. Tesla staying close to me. We encountered a few Honkai zombies but I neutralized them. Kiana, Patrick, and Toriyama were here. And I'm gonna find them. "The wall over there. What is it?" Asked Tesla. She noticed a wall in the distance. "That's the Nagazora Wall. It breaks the city in half. The west side and east side. A historical structure." I answered before more zombies appeared but I used my burst and destroyed them. "Oh... the streets are all flooded." "Hmm... still can't believe it... when I see it with my own eyes. Just unreal."

We came to an area that had a hole with water in the center. "This place will do. The city is turned upside down and the streets are all flooded. The maps are not much use." Tesla tossed her luggage on the ground and began to build the matrix. "I knew Nagazora was ruined, but seeing it with my own eyes..." "Looks like an aftermath of Honkai is here to stay. Nagazora is a port city that sits in a hollow. After the eruption, the ground subsided and sea water interluded. And the Honkai contaminated overflow brought secondary disasters. The downstream east city suffered the most. Who would have thought just three years ago, it's a flourishing city with a population of three million." "All because of the 3rd Honkai Eruption." "...It wasn't your fault." "No matter whose fault it was, the city will never be what it once was. Three years ago, it was me who turned into a Herrscher. If I wasn't weak like that, maybe Nagazora would be spared. I know I cannot turn back time, but... I wish I could remember Nagazora every time I have a hard choice to make. It's something I must carry on my shoulders. ...And Kiana is the same."

"Sigh... Done. Let's see if it works." In barley a moment, Tesla had assembled the parts into a strange device. "In Nagazora, the air and water are filled with Honkai energy, so we have to filter it and look for Herrscher energy. It's new tech and it can only reach 3 to 5 kilometers." "Which means we need at least 3 to cover the east city alone. And then there's the west part of the city." "So, don't expect to find... ...Huh? Found her!!!" A striking red spot popped up on the screen and kept blinking. "Dr. Tesla, this is..." "Lemme see... Right, it's faint, but it's definitely a Herrscher! ...And it's very close! Wait a sec... Isn't it right beside me?! ... ...This is... from you?" "...Huh?" "Oh, d*** my memory... the Gem of Conquest is gone, but there are still traces of Herrscher power left in you. We have to be able to detect at least two Herrscher energy signatures." "Yes, Dr. Einstein wrote something similar in her assessment report. She said I wasn't alone, and that it happened to the Sovereign too, for reason still unknown. Besides, the power... it's not in my control." "I'd advise against that. Abuse is power and you may only hurt yourself. Back to the topic. If it's from you, then we have nothing now. Sigh, leads head to the next location."

Dr. Tesla and I had to continue our search. "Wow... the flood has reached here too. Can't even tell which way to go." Said Dr. Tesla. We went up and encountered Honkai beasts. "Honkai Beasts are still roaming in the city. They've been here since three years ago?" I took care of them but then saw something familiar. "Eh? This place..." I said. "What's wrong?" Asked Dr. Tesla. "I remember this place." I looked over to a building that had rubble inside. Tesla followed my eyes and saw a heavily damaged building. "I... I remember this place. The big hole... I did it. Back then, Kiana, Bronya, and I tried to flee the city together, but we ran into... Miss Himeko's squad. We thought she was enemy, and we... fought." I explained. "Look at the wreckage. I bet you gave her a huge headache." "Yes, I did. In the fight, my Herrscher power broke loose, and Miss Himeko went to great lengths to quiet us down. Hyperion was sent to the service spot afterwards, and the prototype onboard weapon was scrapped. Miss Himeko was to face suspension, if principle Theresa didn't step in. In our escape, I always feared that I might lose control, and when it happened, I thought everything was over. But when I woke up, I found myself in a soft bed, and Miss Himeko was standing aside with caring eyes. She told me she's going to forge me into a soldier capable of handling my own power. That's why I became a Valkyrie. Before I now it, three years have past..."

We continued to move but then something caught my eye on the ground. I rushed over then I picked it up. It was one of Patrick's assassination knives modeled after the ones from "Halo." Dr. Tesla caught up to me. "You find something?" "I did. Look." I showed her the assassination knife. "This is Patrick's. He always liked using weapons from his favorite pop-cultures. This assassination knife was one of them. But why would he leave it here?" "I think the reason why is right here." Dr. Tesla looked to her left then I did and we saw a wall with writing on it. Then we noticed claw marks, foot prints, and charred spots around the area. The writing was carved in. "Patrick must have used this knife or one of his Divine Keys to carve this message." I said. "If he was using one of the Dragon Divine Keys, the carving wouldn't have a lot of damage. He must have used the knife with his Herrscher power." Said Dr. Tesla. I walked up to the writing and began to read it out loud. "Mei, if you are reading this. Kiana, Toriyama and I are here in Nagazora City..."


"...Kiana decided to finally listen to me and to decide to return to you. She decided the best way for you to find us was here in Nagazora City where everything began..."

Patrick's point of view:

I stopped carving to pause. After arriving in Nagazora City thanks to Kiana, we set up a camp here where Mei first turned into the 3rd Herrscher. It was night now and we had a camp fire. I turned to see Kiana sleeping against Toriyama as he was laying down on all four legs like in fairy tales. I smiled seeing her sleep cute against the dragon. "Still writing down your clue?" Asked Toriyama. "Yes I am. I want to make as many as I can so that Mei will find us before Schicksal or World Serpent does. I'm thankful that Kiana finally decided to listen to me and to decide to return to our friends and family, especially to her senpai Mei. The race to Kiana has started again and I want to make sure that Mei wins the race to Kiana. This city was where she first met Mei and Bronya, so she wanted to put the finish line here for Mei to find us here." I explained.

"You do have a fare point my apprentice." "Once I'm done with this clue, I'm gonna leave my assassination knife here for Mei to find once she gets here." I turned back to the wall and continued to carve in the writing. "We hope that you can find us before Schicksal or World Serpent does. This is my first clue for you Mei, I have made more clues in the east side and the west side of Nagazora City..."

Flashback end:

"...Find them and you will find us. This time we will get Kiana to safety for real this time. I wish you luck."

Mei's point of view:

The writing ended with a Dragon's footprint. "They are still here in Nagazora City. This clue proves it." I said. "So we have to find the other clues he's laid out and they will lead us to them." Said Dr. Tesla. "That's what he wants us to do now. We find the other clues and we get him and Kiana back." I put the assassination knife in a pocket for safe keeping then we continued onward to find our missing friends.

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