Chapter 1

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This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, events or incidents that occur have no relation to the real world or historical events.

The days have seemed so long lately and these four walls seem to have become smaller. I spent all night transcribing the books for an unreasonable deadline that my Mother-in-Law has given me. I put my head down on the table, unable to even move to the bed.

"Hey lazy girl, did you finish the book? Madam is demanding it now!" Lin, a servant girl, comes barrelling into the room startling me and I just point to the book that I completed. She grabs it off the table saying "You better come with me since Madam was asking after you."

I sigh, wearily get up and follow Lin into the courtyard where Mother-in-Law is having some tea.

"Did you call for me Mother-in-Law?" I ask quietly hoping she isn't in a bad mood.

"I see that you completed the book that is due, that is good, I didn't want to have to punish you" She says laughing at me.

"I'm happy that you are pleased, as I stayed up all night completing the book" I say hoping that she will leave me alone today.

"Well don't worry I already have a new book for you to work on" and she throws the book on the table with a big smile on her face.

I sigh and take the book in my hands and bow my head to her. She stares at me for a while and says I am dismissed. I walk quickly out the courtyard to get out of her sight, I shiver as the air seems cooler today. 

I think I should be safe for at least today and go back to my bare room and pull my blankets and pillow out and go to sleep even though I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. The tiredness is overtaking me more than hunger. Sleep doesn't give me much comfort as I dream of my parents crying over me as if I had died.

I wake up with a start and realize that it is already dark outside, I am starving so I head to the kitchen and find some leftovers and quickly make myself a plate and basically inhale the food. I am happy that there was some food left today because often when I would go to the kitchen there would be no food left. Lately there have been leftovers, I wonder if something is going on.

I remember to go and check the brick in the fence and find a new note from my Uncle, I call him my Uncle, but he is really just an old friend of the family. He is the only person I trust and can depend on in this place since I got married and moved so far away from my family.

 He runs an entertainment house with dancers, singers, food and drinks. My dad knew him from his military days, but he has always been a good friend of the family and thankfully had moved to this area before I even got married and Father reminded me to visit him. I have been getting him to send letters home for me and has been collecting the letters for me since I can't trust anyone in this house.

 Things haven't always been this bad, but after my Father-in-law died 6 years ago; things have gotten very bad in the manor and I don't know how much longer I can live like this without doing something drastic.

I open the note and he writes that I should come to his restaurant as soon as I can because he has something to discuss with me. It seems like things have quieted down for the night and I decide that it should be safe for me to sneak out.

 I climb a tree and hop over the wall. I have gotten pretty good at doing this since it is the only way to escape these walls even if it's just for an evening. I quickly make my way into town and knock at the back entrance of my Uncle's establishment, everyone knows me there and they always let me in.

 They are careful to hide my identity because I could get into serious trouble if this ever makes it back to the main house where I was seen here as a married woman of the manor. It's not seen as a positive place for a married woman to be seen but I can't really help that I have been put into this situation, it is the only way for me to survive at this point.

"Darling, you made it" I hear from behind me and I turn around to see my Uncle.

"Yes, barely, I have been transcribing day and night this week" I say and he ushers me into his office and I sit down.

"I have a letter here for you" He says and hands me a letter, I gingerly take it in my hands.

"Why don't you just tell them the truth that you are unhappy?" He says with his eyebrows raised.

"It just feels too late for that, they have believed for so long that I am happy and fine, they won't even believe me at this point. Plus how can I disappoint them and make them sad, my Dad will still want me to stay loyal since my husband's father had saved Dad's life many times. He will want me to keep this promise even if I sacrifice my happiness" I say.

"I know we keep repeating the same conversation every time," He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Is there anything else new?'

"I hate to ask this of you, but could you please grace us with your pretty singing voice?" He says with a pleading look.

"I'm exhausted Uncle, I don't think I can" I say.

"The men have been asking for you for days, I'm scared if you don't make an appearance soon, they may really try to seek your identity with more vigor"He says with a grimace.

"Fine, but you better pay me well" I say, crossing my arms.

"Yes, yes, whatever you say" He says and guides me into the dressing room. I put on a disguise which is a veil for my face, a white flowing dress, and a silver fan. Uncle introduces me on stage and there is a rowing round of applause with hoots and hollers. I smile to myself and think at least someone is happy to see me even if they don't really know anything about me.

 I sing multiple songs, all the favorites and find myself actually enjoying myself with the performance. I exit the stage and there are calls for me to come back, but I have no energy left after I used up everything I had on that performance.

"You have gotten even better," Uncle says and brings me a plate of food and drink. I don't answer him but instead enjoy the food and I ask for some alcohol, which he doesn't want to give me, but relents and lets me drink a couple of cups.

"Dear I think there may be an opportunity for you to leave that house, it isn't ideal but I do want to look into it more before I share what I think, but you can't give up hope" He says with a pat on my back.

"What kind of opportunity?"

"There are some performing acts coming to town soon, but I will let you know more once I have it figured out" He explains. I nod my head and wonder what Uncle has up his sleeve, but I decide it is time for me to get home since it has gotten late and I want to get home before anyone can catch me climbing the wall.

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