Chapter 9

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"Do you have everything my Lady?" Mimi asks me as we walk toward the carriage.

"Yes I think so" I say and turn to stare at the manor, I don't know if I will ever come back here. Even if Changwei tries to force me, I don't think I could let myself come back here. I want the memories to die with the manor and not have to dig them back up.

 Everyone has gathered outside including all the servants and that also means Lin. I stare at Mother-in-Law with Lin by her side and I see the sneering looks on their faces.

"Son, surely you must want me to come with you?" Mother-in-Law is screeching at Changwei and it kinda makes me happy as she is being somewhat ignored, as he is busy checking that nothing has been missed.

"Mother, you know that I need you here right now, there is much for you to do on behalf of the manor, we cannot leave it empty at this time, you know this'' He says like he is restraining himself. I can sense the patience and gentleness that Father-in-Law often talked about to me, although he isn't exactly how he was described. Father-in-Law always played chess with me and told me many stories including many about Changwei.

 He always told me how gentle and good natured his son was, and that he was going to treasure me well when he came back from the war. I guess that is one of the reasons that I was able to go on living here for so long. Sometimes fantasy is better than reality because I can't see the person that Father-in-Law talked about right now.

He is very different, I guess we can say he has changed and Father-in-Law wouldn't have known what was to happen. I cannot blame him for giving me false hope. I sigh to myself and shrug my shoulders as if I was trying to shrug off the last ten years.

"You can't take her, she is bad luck" Mother says raising her voice.

"What are you talking about Mother? she is my wife!" He says.

"Your Father died because of her, his health was perfect before she came along and he got sick and then died, it is her fault" She says pointing her finger at me and I am not shocked to hear what she is saying, since she has been saying something along those lines to me since he has died. Even though it's ridiculous that I could have killed my Father-in-Law, she sincerely believes that I have done this.

"Mother, I sent a Physician when I heard the news and he said he developed a slow disease that eventually killed him, he probably had it before Danni was even married into the family. I don't believe in superstition anyway and neither should you" he says in a firm tone.

"My own son doesn't believe me, see he has been bewitched by this woman too, just like your Father was; she was in love with your Father and she will never love you." She says exclaiming and falling to the ground and Changwei motions to the servants to pick her up.

"Mother, you know that this is untrue! I will be sending a Physician to see you and help with your recuperation. You must be unwell right now, but I will write to you later and the Physician will keep me informed. Don't worry I will be keeping a close eye on things, nothing bad will happen." He says with a forced smile.

"Son, Son, you can't leave, I'm scared for your safety, you can't leave with that woman, I can find you a better one." She says and the Changwei motions that the servants take her back inside. Changwei bows his goodbye and I join him and bid goodbye as she is taken back inside the manor. I then enter the carriage with Mimi and Changwei rides on his horse with a group of his soldiers that are going to escort us to the Capital. We travel in silence for a while before I turn to Mimi.

"What are the rumors that have been said about me?" I say abruptly and I can tell that Mimi is startled and she starts playing with her dress.

"The General doesn't want me to repeat any of those things" She says quietly.

"So, you only listen to the General?" I say with my eyebrows raised. She doesn't answer and sits quietly for a while.

"The General has assigned me to be your servant, but I am very loyal to him and will listen to him as well" She says obviously conflicted.

"It's okay, I won't tell the General about this" I say.

"I don't believe any of the things those servants were saying, and I don't think the General believes them either."

"Well I just want to know, how can I defend myself when I don't even know what is being said about me?"

"Okay, well I haven't heard much, but the one thing that was said was that you were crazy and locked yourself in your own room writing love letters and poems, also that your were in infatuated with your Father-In-Law" She says looking at me from the side of her eye almost afraid to meet my eyes. I sigh audibly.

"Well I guess they were as creative as their minds could possibly be" I say almost disappointed in the lack of effort to explain what has happened all this time.

"I don't believe a word of it, there is no way that you are crazy, I have not seen a single moment that would have brought me to that conclusion" Mimi says grabbing my hands. I smile and pat her hands as I don't want to worry her. I also realize that everything I say to her will be reported back to Changwei.

"I"m fine, let's not talk about this anymore and please don't mention this to the General" I say and she just nods her head. She tries to talk to me some more, almost to cheer me up. I try to indulge her, but I have a hard time focusing and eventually fall asleep to her talking. I think the relief of leaving that place has relaxed my mind and heart and gently lulled me to sleep.

I wake up startled as the carriage has come to a stop and Changwei climbs into the carriage and joins me, Mimi gets off to walk for a while. The carriage all of a sudden seems very small compared to when Mimi was in there with me.

"When we get to the Capital we will be staying with the Emperor in the Imperial Palace for a while" Changwei says, breaking the silence and I sit straight up and look at him.

"What do you mean by the Imperial Palace? Why?" I ask.

"I have hurt my arm and the Emperor has ordered that I be seen by his Imperial Physician. It will depend on my treatment for the length of time that we will be staying at the palace."

"But I don't think that is appropriate for me to do so" I say feeling flustered.

"You are my wife, I have told the Emperor about my lack of duty to my wife and he has ordered me to bring you" Changwei says firmly.

"I think it best we cut ties now, before anything else happens, I am not comfortable with this, I don't think I can handle this" I say in an obvious panic and I move over to the small window and open it up as I feel the urge to get some fresh air.

"Danni, I will not abandon you again, if I was ever to abandon you I would at least take you back to your family, don't be crazy thinking I will leave you on the side of the road" He says moving closer to me.

I swing around and look at him "Did you say crazy?" I say, reminded of those rumors. I start to stand up, but then I start to feel lightheaded and it feels like I can't hear anything and my vision starts clouding. The General pulls me down next to him and slowly pats my back and I try to calm down.

"I don't believe what Mother was saying about you, I know I have not gotten a full picture of what was happening the last 10 years, but I will let you tell me when you are ready" He says and I don't say anything.

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