Chapter 26

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The next morning my family gathered for breakfast as we were going to leave this afternoon.

"Well don't you two look glowing this morning" My mom says when we sit down to eat. I touch my cheeks and feel them turning hot as I think about what happened last night.

"Uhm, of course we will forever be newlyweds" Changwei says and reaches for my hand and holds it tight.

"Oh stop it everyone" I say trying to get past the embarrassment of the night we shared as husband and wife together.

"I don't know why everyone is so chipper this morning when Danni and the General are leaving today?" Father says as he comes into the room and then we start to eat our breakfast.

"So sister, are you looking forward to your new house? I wonder how big it will be?" My brother asks.

"I don't know, I guess I haven't really thought about it" I say.

"Well I'm excited to go and see the house today" Changwei says excitedly and everyone stops and stares at him.

"Brother-in-law, I haven't seen you look this excited ever?" my brother says with his eyebrows raised.

"Oh come on, just because he is a General doesn't mean he has to be rough and gruff all the time" I say rolling my eyes and the conversations continues to be lively throughout breakfast. We finish off breakfast and soon enough it is time for us to leave. My Father pulls me aside quietly and asks me if I am truly alright. I try to reassure him the best I can and promise that I will visit more and he smiles at me.

"Are you sure you are really alright? You seem different, you smile less and are much more quiet compared to when you were growing up? You can come back home and live with us if it is too much for you to be with your husband?" He says searching my eyes.

"Of course I am different from when I was younger, I have matured you know!" I say jokingly but am touched by the words and concern my Father has for me.

"You know that you always have a place here with your family here right?" He says, still looking concerned and I nod my head trying to hold back tears and I hug him tightly. We walk back to the group and Changwei comes and looks for me immediately looking concerned and I just pat his arm to comfort him. It is a tearful goodbye full of promises to visit and to write to each other. I never thought this would have happened to me, actually being able to visit properly with my husband.

"Are you very sad to leave your family?" Changwei asks once we are in the carriage.

"No, it is sad, but somehow it feels exciting to leave with you" I say looking out the window.

"That is a relief, I really thought I wasn't going to be able to get you to leave once we got to your parents" Changwei says and then kisses me on the cheek.

"Hey" I say, turning to look at him and then he takes my hand inside his and starts stroking the palm of my hand and I rest my head against his shoulder.

"Has the last ten years been hard for you?" I say.

"What, where is this coming from?" He answers.

"I haven't really asked about what you went through and I never really got any of the letters you sent either so would like to hear more about what happened to you" I say.

"Well it wasn't that great most of the time, having to fight against men in bloody battles and travel around the borders dealing with many trials and troubles. Sleeping, eating and living in poor conditions good really tiring. I don't think I can every get used to watching people die around me. it was a really hard existence most of the time." He says and I can feel his body tensing up just talking about it.

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