Chapter 4

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I quickly wipe my tears and Uncle comes back in and announces I will sing tonight so the theater troupe can watch me and make the decision right away. I quickly change into a costume and I make sure to keep my face covered.

 I try to cheer myself up as I hear the crowds encourage me onto the stage. I sing a few of my favorite songs and end with a tragic love story song and find myself getting emotional.

 The audience is satisfied and I leave the stage and Uncle ushers me in to meet the leader of the troupe. Uncle takes me back to his office and I see a tall man that stares at me as Uncle introduces him as the leader.

"You have a lovely voice, you would make a perfect act in our group" He says immediately.

"Thank you, so does that mean I can join you?" I ask immediately.

"Yes we would love to have you, we are leaving in three days, can you make it?" He asks and I take off my face covering.

"You are pretty too" He says looking very pleased, I blush and see him clearly and see that he is quite handsome.

"Why do you cover your face? I feel you would become even more popular if you would take that off?"

" I can't have my identity known as I am doing this without permission, I will also be running away from my family, I don't know what could happen, will that be okay?" I ask.

"Okay I won't ask too much but that should be fine. We will be on the road for a long time and we don't stay in one spot too long so I am sure you will be able to keep your identity hidden" He says confidently.

"Can I continue to hide my face for the performances?"

"Yes, when we come across some fabric shops we will make some more costumes for you and make sure to include some veils"

"I know it will work out" I say convincing myself.

"Alright then meet back here in 3 days at dawn and keep in mind we won't wait if you don't come" He says in a serious tone.

"Agreed, I will be here unless something happens out of my control" I say.

"If you can't come that day we are heading west, you may be able to find us if you get delayed" He says and I nod my head.

He leaves the room and Uncle waits until he is gone and then asks me if I really am going to do this and I nod my head with tears in my eyes. He pulls me into a hug and it is the warmest human contact I have had in years, he really is like a father to me.

 He wipes my tears and tells me I need to be brave for my own happiness and I just keep nodding because I am trying to hold back the tears. He then pulls open a cupboard and pulls out a money sachet and hands it to me.

"This is your money, I am returning it to you because I don't know if I will have a chance to give it to you when you are leaving, I added a bit extra in there so make sure to keep it safe" He says.

It was the money that I made from performing and I let Uncle keep it for me because I couldn't bring money into the house without people getting suspicious. Uncle would pick up things for me when I needed them like medicine and just personal needs that weren't supplied to me in the manor. 

I was lucky to even get candles, but since I had to transcribe they made sure I could work with ink and brushes, but they hardly gave me coal for heating. I would sometimes ask Uncle to get me some.

 I nod my head and take my sachet of money and head home, I will just have to hide it for a few days and I start to think of places to hide the money as Lin often goes through my room and things to make sure I am not taking something I'm not allowed to have.


"General Song, are you excited about being able to go home?" Rui-Chan says, smiling while leaning against a tent pole.

"Of course I am, I haven't been home in so long, I don't know if I will be forgiven for being away so long at this point, but thankfully the borders have calmed down. It is mainly peaceful right now so it really is time for me to go home" General Song says while packing up his personal effects.

"We will first stop at your home, but then you really need to go see the Emperor and get some proper treatment for your arm. You haven't been seen by a proper Physician in so long, we need to make sure you are healing well" Rui-Chan says firmly with a hint of worry.

"Why are you so serious Rui-Chan? It will all be fine" I say and then wince as I grab my sword.

"General, please let me pack for you, you mustn't use your arm right now" Rui-Chan says and takes the sword away from my hands.

I let him take over while I sit down at my desk. I am actually worried that I could lose the strength and use of my left arm. It was in the last battle I was struck by an enemy's sword and it was a deep cut to my shoulder.

 I did see a local Physician, but he told me I must not use it for months to let it heal. Once I had notified the Emperor he ordered me and my men to come back and that he needs to see me as soon as I can make it out to him, but I decided since I was close to home I will first stop there to see my wife and take her with me to the Capital.

 I have neglected my wife for too long and it's been weighing so heavy on my mind. I do get letters from my mother and she always includes a part from my wife. They have always given me the idea that they support my military career and that everything is going well at home and this has always put my mind at ease.

 I know that my wife must be lonely and feeling neglected even if she still supports my decisions. We will be able to start anew with a new house in the Capital. I will be able to give her the things that my she deserves after neglecting her for so long. I want to send them a letter about my return, but I think at this point I will beat the letter home as we are stationed within a day away from home.

 The next day I plan to head home on horseback with fifty of my men as we will deal with any bandits on the way and keep patrolling the areas as there can always be an attack wherever we are going.

"General, do you need some help?" Mimi says, knocking on my door.

"Yes come in" Mimi gently opens the door and walks over to me and takes the clothes out of my hands and silently starts packing my things. I go and sit down on my bed and start thinking about all the things I need to do before we can leave and we stay in silence for a while.

"Mimi, can you get me some water?" I say out loud and Mimi gasps and jumps.

"Oh yes sir, sorry I was startled" She says and scurries out of the room.

Mimi is just a young girl that asked to be taken with us since she helped us with information when we were in her country. She has a sad background and was scared she would be killed for being a traitor, I couldn't just leave her so I allowed her to become my servant. I will let her become Danni's servant as it will be more appropriate for her to have a lady master.

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