Chapter 8

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"Please let's leave the young woman alone, she won't sing if you keep disturbing her and I want to hear more of her lovely singing, come I have a really good wine for you to try." The man says to the man holding on to me.

"Okay, I am getting thirsty" says the official and two men come on stage to help him find his way back to the table. The man who helped me comes closer and grabs my hand and I look at him and realize that it is my husband Changwei and I slightly gasp.

"Oh sorry, I just want to give you this for the trouble" he explains as he hands me a sachet of money.

"I'm sorry for the actions of that man, I think your singing is very lovely. I hope you continue to sing for us tonight" Changwei says and lets go of my hand and I try to steady myself from the shock. I would have been in real trouble if he didn't help me and although he was gruff, there was still a gentleness to the interaction. I shake off the feelings and decide to sing some slow lullaby songs and finish a couple of songs without incident and then quickly leave the stage. 

I bid Uncle a quick goodbye as I need to get home before Changwei gets home as it is pretty late already. I sneak back into my room and lie down in bed and I can still feel my heart beating fast and I lay there for a long time until I find sleep coming for me. I awake to some loud banging into my room and I see the Changwei standing over my bed and I scream and he yells and falls backwards.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused and scared.

"I need to sleep" He says with slurred speech and lies down on the floor and I realize he is completely drunk and probably was just thinking he was going to his room. I decide to get some blankets from the cupboard and I lay them down next to him and I drop the pillow to the ground. I kick his foot and tell him to get on the blanket, he then proceeds to roll onto the blankets and smiles a silly smile. I drop the blanket over him and decide to just let him stay.

 I climb back into my bed and stare at him and I think this is the first time I have seen him smile and I chuckle to myself. I try to fall back to sleep but struggle with all the thoughts swirling around my head. 

When I wake up in the morning the blankets are cleaned up and I am completely alone. Mimi comes in with a basin of water and tells me I need to get ready for the day as we are going out.

"Where are we going?" I ask, very concerned.

"I'm not sure, but the General told me to get you ready. I went to your other room and tried to find some clothes and this was the best that I could find." She stands holding a dress that I wear only when I have to meet company as the rest of my clothes are really plain dresses and not suitable for someone with the General's rank.

 I don't say anything to Mimi and I put it on, suddenly I start to feel very vulnerable knowing Changwei is going to see me in such shabby clothing.

As we walk out of the room and make it to the courtyard, Mimi says,"You are to have breakfast with the General and Madam this morning" I look at her sharply and grip the sides of my dress.

"What is it my lady?" Mimi asks me and holds my arm to steady me.

"Oh maybe just tell them that I am still feeling unwell" I say and go to turn around and start walking fast to go back to the room and I turn the corner and hit something hard.

"Where are you going, wife with such vigor?" Changwei asks with his eyebrows raised. I steady myself and I just stop and stare up at him unsure how to respond. He takes my arm and pulls me gently alongside him and we start walking back to the main manor. 

He leads me to my spot and I sit down and then he goes to his own spot with his Mother sitting facing the both of us.

"Well my dear, I see that you are feeling better" Mother-in-Law says with a sweet smile.

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