Chapter 2

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Things weren't always this bad when Father-in-law was alive, life was peaceful and harmonious in the house when he was still alive. I wasn't aware of any bad intentions that Mother-in-Law had towards me and she treated me well and never gave me a hard time.

 I spent a lot of time with my Father-in-law as he liked to play chess with me and tell me about all the stories from when he was a General and working with my Father. Things started to turn badly after 4 years of being married into the family because Father-in-law started to get sick and his illness progressed quite quickly. I helped take care of him during that time and he would often call for me and I really tried my best to care for him.

I think it was then that Mother-in-Law started to feel resentful towards me and the affection that he showed me. Mother-in-Law also has told me that she believes that I am the cause of the bad luck and disease that he developed. She believes I am the reason that Father-in-law has died early, somehow in her mind my presence in the house has cursed everyone.

 There is nothing I can do to mend this relationship with Mother-in-Law since this is a superstitious belief that she has made up to take her anger out onto me. I simply have had to put up with the rage and hatred since there is no one left in the manor to protect me. I have never really had it easy even from the beginning as people call me the abandoned bride.

It all started when Father told me that he had made a bride contract with the General of his army when I was a little girl. I had just turned 17 and Father told me that I was going to marry Changwei of the Song family and that it was an honor since General Song was well known and respected. Since both Father and General Song had saved each other's lives in battle they decided to make a wedding contract between our families.

 We are more of a humble family and Father became a merchant after his military days were over. It was not considered very noble, but it made Father substantial wealth that has benefited the family. I was scared and sad to leave my family and go so far away. They lived quite far from our hometown and it took a week to get there by carriage, it was not near the capital and was surrounded by farmyards.

I grew up near the capital that was full of bustling life and lots of things to do, so it was quite a change of pace coming to a more rural area and it felt like all my freedom of youth had disappeared when I entered the manor. I had just turned seventeen when the betrothal gifts appeared at our house and I knew that I was leaving.

 I cried for days in my room alone thinking about leaving my family. I couldn't imagine leaving my sisters, brother and parents to go somewhere so far. Father hired extra men to guard me on the trip as it would take about a week to get to my husband's house. I was allowed to bring one maidservant with me so I brought Li Ling who has been with me since I was young and has always kept me company.

She sat quietly with me in the carriage for hours as the horses pulled us closer to the destination. I don't remember much of the ride as the tears seemed to stream down my face for hours. I never broke out into full sobs, just a quiet mourning of the separation of me and my family. Li Ling has always been able to comfort me, but this time she didn't try to comfort me as she was leaving her only home as well and we had many unspoken thoughts and feelings on this move. 

After a few days of riding and stopping for night, we finally broke the silence and started to build more resolve and acceptance of this decision. By the time we made it a couple of hours away from my new home we stopped to get dressed and Li Ling helped apply my makeup and adjust my hair and headpieces.

She tried to cheer me up and talked about how wonderful it would be to be married, but I couldn't even force a smile out of my face. I have no idea who I was marrying and what kind of household I was stepping into, I felt the heaviness of this and could only muster a solemn nod as an answer. 

After we finished I then told a guard to go ahead of us and announce we will be arriving soon. We made it to the entrance of the house where I was welcomed by unknown people and was taken into a room to rest and prepare.

 I took off my headdress to rest my neck and was given a chance to drink some tea and rest. A servant came to get me and led me into the courtyard and there I saw a young man who stepped forward and took my hand and led me to his parents.

 My veil prevented me from getting a good look at the groom and before I could try and get a glimpse we were greeted by his parents. We poured them tea and followed the customs to get married and pledged our marriage to each other and everyone there.

I was then taken to the bridal chamber where I waited and waited until Li Ling came to visit me and brought me food since I was starving. Nobody ever came to the chamber. I went to lie down in bed with the heavy headpiece because my husband was supposed to remove them for me and I eventually fell asleep. 

I woke up the next morning and Li Ling came in and helped me undress and put on a simple dress and did my hair for me. I asked what happened but she didn't know and was unsure of what to say to me, but I knew I had to face this family even if I feel like something had gone very wrong. I went to see his parents in the morning and we greeted each other. I could recall all these events like they were yesterday.

"Unfortunately the military called my son in last night, he didn't even get to enjoy the feast" Father-in-law explained right away before I could even ask.

What do you mean? Is there something going on?" I ask quietly.

"There has been some unrest at the border and when Changwei signed up, he didn't ever know when he could be called up" Mother-in-Law says.

"So he had no choice but to leave last night?" I ask, confused.

"Well, I would think they would have let him come in the morning, but he said he had a duty to the country and decided to leave right away" Father-in-law says.

"I understand" I say simply as I can't deny that I am hurt and worried he hated me so much that he wanted to leave as soon as he saw me.

"Don't worry child, he will be back soon" Mother-in-Law says, patting my arm.

From then on I was pretty much labeled as the abandoned bride, I would hear whispers that her husband left her on the wedding day and hasn't been home in 10 years. I had no choice but to let people talk badly about me over the years since I couldn't say anything to refute them. I haven't seen or received any letters from him in all this time. Either he never sent any or Mother-in-Law never would give them to me, I really don't know the truth.

 I only have heard through my Mother-in-Law that he has become a General and fought very valiantly over these years and that he even has the ear of the emperor. He has become famous across the land as the General of the people, but this is just what I have heard through Mother-in-Law, who knows what is the real truth? as we live in a fairly isolated part of the country. 

I know that he could have come home in all this time, but he kept volunteering for crusades that kept him away. I spent the days waiting and trying to stay content with the life that I was given and being able to accept this fate. This was fine for a few years, but as the situation has gotten worse and worse I don't think I can stand this any longer.

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