Dad Beat Dad

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[We start off with Y/N waking up in his bed as he groans and stretches. The  Rider says]

"Y'know, that's like the seventh dream you've had. we're you wear a spider suit and fight crime with Spider-Man. It's kind of annoying. I kinda miss the murdering Valentino and taking over the Vees dreams."

[Y/N rolls his eyes as he puts on his classic hood. He then walks down the stairs and sees Charlie freaking out as she says, "

Charlie: Don't understand why it's not working. Think Charlie, think. Think, think, think, think, think, think.

[Y/N walks next to Sir Pentious and says]

Y/N: Um, what's her problem?

[Sir Pentious shrugs as Vaggie says]

Vaggie: Charlie?...Sweetie, C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, Charlie! You, uh, you good?

[Charlie then turns to them with a crazy and tired look]

Charlie: Nope, no! Not really! Haha! I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working.

[Charlie says, taking out her frustration with some paper. She then says]

Charlie: We've done trust falls. We've tried sharing our feelings. We only have a couple months left before the angels come.

[Charlie let's out a crazed laugh as part of her Demon form shows. Y/N and the Rider say]

The Rider, Y/N: Oh, shit. She is really serious about this hotel.

Vaggie: Maybe it's time...

[Charlie then turns to Vaggie, knowing what she's about to say]

Charlie: No.

[Y/N raises his eyebrow on who she's talking about]

Vaggie:-to ask...

[Charlie grabs Vaggies face]

Charlie: Don't say it.

Vaggie: Your dad.

[Charlie groans as Y/N's eye twitches at that name as The Rider groans and says]

"Oh, this can't be good. Haven't seen him in a while."

Vaggie: Charlie, I know you don't want to, but we need every advantage we can get.

Charlie: He let the extermination happen to begin with. They just had a meeting and said, "Go head and kill everyone!"

[Charlie then gasps getting an idea. She then turns to the board]

Charlie: Wait. That's it.

Vaggie: Kill everyone?

[Y/N grabs his chain and steps foward]

Y/N: Don't mind if I do.

Charlie: No. He could get me a meeting with Heaven.

Y/N: Oh.

[Y/N says putting his chain back on]

Y/N: Okay then, not like I wanted to kill anyone.

Vaggie: Didn't we already try that?

Charlie: Well, yeah, with Adam, he was an asshole.

[The Rider then takes control and turns into the Rider]

Ghost Rider: Oh, you met 'him' you poor soul. How did you make it out alive?

Charlie: Yes, but he isn't in charge of all of Heaven. We could go to the top. There's sure to he some angels who will listen.

[THE DEVIL WITHIN] Hazbin Hotel x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now