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*The events play out the same the only difference? Y/N didn't teleport out like how it did he left after this*

[We see Y/N standing before the three Vees. As Valentino has Angel at his beck and call. He says]

Y/N: It's done. Alastor's hold on the pentagram is shattered. No one fears him our deal is over.

[Vox smirks and leans back in his chair]

Vox: So it is.... So it is.

[Velevette turns to Y/N and says]

Velevette: Alright, Y/N. I'll tell you what? You can have ANYTHING you want from this room. Think of it as compensation for your...[giggles]..."heroics."

Y/N: I want...

[Y/N Looks and points to Angel]


[Angel turns to Valentino with a shocked expression as Valentino laughs not believing this]

Valentino: Cute, Y/N. REAL funny.

[Y/N motions to the whole room]

Y/N: She said anything in the room.

[Velevette smirks at this as Vox is about to get up but Valentino laughs stopping]

Valentino: [laughs] Oh... you really want... my little angel? Fine. You can have him.

[Valentino motions for Angel to walk as Valentino hands over the contract]

Valentino: Fly away.

[As they both walk off they hear Valentino say]

Valentino: And get the hell, out of my base!

[They walk off as we fade to the two on the streets of the pentagram]

Y/N: So.... now what do you want to do?

Angel Dust: I-I don't know. It doesn't feel real.

[A single tear falls from Angel's eye]

Angel Dust: Freedom. Why? Why did you do this for me? You could have had anything you wanted.

[Y/N's face turns to that of a genuine smile]

Y/N: Because... you're my friend.

[We fade to black]

[THE DEVIL WITHIN] Hazbin Hotel x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now