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[Y/N Looks at this creature in question before he helps Y/N up and motions for Y/N to follow. They walk for about a good 2 minute before the creature says]

HIM: You're so close now. Just a little further.

[Y/N and HIM arrive at what seems to be a mirror and he looks through it and sees the extermination he questions this by saying]

Y/N: What the-?

HIM: The extermination saw SO many lives lost. Saw Lucifer's hope taken away so easily. In Hell, there is only weakness.

[They walk again for a minute before making their way to another mirror. Y/N watches first hand as Lucifer gives up on his dream, and as Lilith empowered hell with her voice. HE then says]

HIM: Lilith abandoned Lucifer. Left him for dead. In Hell, there is only failure.

[HE then shows Y/N another mirror of Adam and Lute slaughtering Demon-kind]

HIM: One by one, Adam slaughtered many demons. Lucifer and Lilith stood by and did NOTHING. And a great disaster ensued.

[They walk before a flight of stairs they walk up them as HE says]

HIM: In Hell, there is only death.

[A round object appears at the end of the stairway up]

[A round object appears at the end of the stairway up]

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HIM: Your respite lies ahead.

Y/N: The Potis Altiare. It's real...

[Y/M goes to touch it before he hears a]

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

[Y/N Looks to see he is in the meeting room with Charlie, Vaggie and the others. He sees the Potis Altiare isn't in his hands]

Y/N: No... no...

[Y/N then turns into the Rider and yells out as everyone looks surprised at this. Y/N then returns back to normal as Charlie takes this as an opportunity to prove her cause]

Charlie: See? He made it into Heaven. I'm not sure how, but he still did, and it wasn't by how I got here.

Adam: Then...then why doesn't he have any halo or wings hm?

Emily: Yeah, why doesn't he have that?

[They all mutter to themselves as Charlie and Y/N question this]

Charlie: Wait, none of you know what gets someone into Heaven?

Y/N: What the fuck is going on?

Sera: This questioning stops now. We know when a soul arrives. We know they pass divine judgment. And The Rider absolutely didn't. It is our job to make sure these souls are safe.

[Emily then holds out a note card and says]

Emily: 🎵But she was right, Sera. She showed us even the worse can improve. He saw the light, Sera.🎵

[THE DEVIL WITHIN] Hazbin Hotel x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now