11: Jealousy

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—————/ Guy POV /—————

After the battle, I went back to my castle in the Northern Continent. My maids greeted me and brought me refreshments as I sat at a table. I asked them to join me, which they obliged so they made a lot of food as if it's a party. There's only three of us you know?

Our little tea party got disrupted when a vicious ice dragon destroyed the castle wall and shot an ice beam in our direction. I of course blocked it as usual, but Rain and Misery were quaking in their shoes by the sudden attack, and the perpetrator.

Guy: "Velzard, good to see you."

Velzard: "So you know who I am? Good."

Come to think of it, why would Velzard all of a sudden be interested in Guy? Who is now me. Looks like I'll find out here.

Guy: "What would one of the true dragons want with me?"

Velzard: "Ara, ara, feigning ignorance. You know exactly what you've done."

She shot another concentrated ice beam, with no effect.

Velzard: "How do you keep blocking my attacks?"

Guy: "Simple. You're weak."

Velzard: "Hah! If my brother could beat you then I, as the third strongest individual of this world can definitely beat you."

Guy: "Don't remind me..."

Velzard flew in with her ice sword and tried to cut me in half, but that attack was easy to read.


I brought my own sword out, fuelled it with mana and broke Velzard's sword into two.

Velzard: "Wha-"

I then landed a punch square on her jaw and sent her down to the ground. Dirt flew up like worms trying to grow wings.

Rain: "Guy-sama! My garden was there!"

Guy: "What? When did you start a garden?"

Rain: "Hmph! It's just something I saw during our trip."

Guy: "So I really did see a worm. Whoops."

Velzard: "I would appreciate it if you paid more attention to your opponent!"

I stared towards the cloud of dust, and as it dissipated, a white dragon with a black spine and golden eyes met with my own deep red eyes. On top of her head was a large golden scale, like jewellery; a crown for the ice empress.

Guy: "Unfortunately you'll have to work harder for me to pay attention to the likes of you."

Velzard: "You insolent demon! Did you not hear when I said I'm the sister of your God?!"

Guy: "You mean the sister of a clown? That makes you a clown as well."

Velzard: "I've had it with you!"

She uses [Fixation] and [Blizzard], making me seemingly vulnerable to Velzard, who unleashes her next attack [Black Ice Burst]. A vicious torrent of deep blue ice projectiles fly towards me. The projectiles one by one stab into me and each explode, fragments flying all over and impaling even deeper into me.

Velzard: "How's that, pathetic bastard. You never stood a chance against my full power."

Guy: "...That was your full power?"

Velzard turns and sees me staring smugly straight at her surprised look.

Velzard: "What?!?! But I sealed you in place!"

Guy: "You mean you thought you sealed me."

I rush in and give Velzard an uppercut, didn't want to before but I still really want to punch Veldanava, so a relative will have to do. She flings into the air and I punch her several times incredibly fast and end with a kick sending her down to the ground. She lands on her back with a loud boom. I gracefully touchdown and then take a big leap into the air and crush Velzard right beneath my feet, jumping up and down like an inflatable.

Guy: "Hoooh this is real fun! Wish I could do this to Veldanava! Hey Misery, Rain, come join in!"

Rain: "Yes Guy-sama!"

Misery: "... ye.. yes... Guy-sama..."

Rain enthusiastically stands a bit away, and then runs quickly and long jumps her way onto Velzard's stomach.

Velzard: "GUH!!!"

Rain: "Wow you're right Guy-sama! It's so bouncy!"

Velzard: "Gaaaahh, get off!!!"

Rain: "Come on Misery!"

Misery: "Guy-sama, could I... abstain from this activity?"

I crack a smile with malicious intent.

Guy: "You have to jump on her belly, with intent, at least once."

Rain: "Yeah! You heard Guy-sama!"

Misery: "If it is your desire, then I will Guy-sama." *Gulp* But what the heck!?!?!? Why the hell do I need to do this? Could I just step on her toes?

Misery walks towards Velzard, who stares pleadingly towards her. Misery closes her eyes and takes a giant jump in the air and remains still as a pencil and fortified herself with a barrier as she falls from the sky like a meteor.


Me and Rain move off Velzard's stomach as Misery lands right at the middle of her belly.

Velzard: "GWEEHHHHAAAAA!!!~"

A shockwave runs throughout the area, making her belly jiggle for a while like when you drop a pebble into a still pond. Misery's face is cherry red as she slowly gets off Velzard's stomach and back onto the ground.

I observe Velzard, still shaking, and her flabbergasted face.

Guy: "Looks like she's still alive. Good..."

Rain: "Ok then can I go again? She destroyed my garden!"

Misery: "Rain!"

Rain: "Oh whaaat? Can't do this everyday you know? How many people, let alone true dragons, do you know are super strong and will let us jump on their bellies?"

Misery: "Well I believe we should show Velzard-sama some mercy nevertheless."

Guy: "Hmmmm. Well I do plan on keeping her around so we can have at it again some other time."

Rain: "Oh really? That's great Guy-sama! As expected, you thought through everything!"

Misery: "Yes, Guy-sama." *Shivers* What the hell are we going to do if she or the other true dragons want to kill us afterwards?!

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