13: 'Munch' Ado

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Guy: "What? The old man trained you?"

Rudra: "....."

Lucia: "Brother!"

Rudra: "Hrmmm..."

We're currently sitting at a circular table. Everyone, including Velzard is here.

Lucia: "What he means is, Veldanava-sama trained us to become heroes who stands against the demon lord to maintain equilibrium."

Guy: "Or so a distraction for humanity to band together and set their differences aside, that kind of cliche."

Lucia: "Yes, Veldanava-sama said we should grow this idea of a hero who defends humanity and a demon lord who attacks humanity to prevent our society's self-destruction."

Guy: "Ugh, this bastard, he couldn't tell me when he was concocting this plan."

Velgrynd: "Hey, I've had quite enough of you disrespecting my brother. He's your God and he created you!"

Guy: "Ehhhhh well maybe he created me to disrespect him then."

Velgrynd: "Oh go back to hell why don't you!"

She gets up, and starts to march towards me, but Rain stands in her way.

Misery: "Rain! What are you doing?"

Velgrynd: "What do you think you're doing? A mere demon blocking my path?"

Rain: "Yes, you still haven't paid for what you did to my garden."

Velgrynd: "Who cares about your garden?!"

Rain: "Ara, ara, you seem to be quite pretentious, Ember girl"

Velgrynd: "It's scorch empress you insolent demon!"

She raises her fist. Rain keenly looks at her and smiles. Velgrynd wasn't having any of that and propels her fist towards Rain's face.

Rain: "Seems you are pretty weak."

Velgrynd: "Huh?"

No damage could be seen on Rain. Rudra and Lucia's eyes widen and Velgrynd gets even more annoyed.

Velgrynd: "My attack! Why did nothing happen?!"

Rain: "Guy Crimson-sama taught me this technique during one of our spars."

Rudra: "Hey! Just what the hell did Veldanava-sama teach you guys anyways?!"

Guy: "Nothing. I was always competent, unlike you."

Rudra: "Alright that's it, I'm going to literally kill you!"

Lucia: "Rudra! Get a grip! You too Velgrynd!"

Rain: "Ara, they're really like children, wouldn't you agree Velzard-san?"

Velzard: "..... erm..... sure..."

Velgrynd: "Nee-san! What's with you? Why are you so quiet? Why didn't you doing anything?"

Velzard: "....."

Guy: "Oh I just educated her a bit, close to how Veldora was educated but harsher."

Velgrynd: "What... the hell."

I look at Velzard, and for some reason she starts to blush.

Guy: "Anyways, do you have anything else that you're trying to do or is that it?"

Lucia: "That's it. Veldanava-sama said there just needs to be a force that humans fear."

Guy: "Hmmmm..."

I forgot what's supposed to happen at this point. Normally I'd ask Ciel but she's 'unavailable' at the moment.

Guy: "Hey Velzard."

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