8: Journey of The Central World

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'The Central World is beautiful.' That was my genuine thought. I've been in hell all this time and haven't really noticed how nice everything is. The sweet aroma of nature, soft songs of birds, pathetic attacks of weaklings, clueless idling of humans. Me and Rain had to hold back on laughing because this arrogant idiot keeps provoking weak monsters that he can't beat.

The world has a lot to offer. We toured several human establishments with illusion magic, though non could rival Tempest nor my territory in hell. Some bits here and there were interesting such as the weird doll that Rain insisted we get, or the spyglass thing. Misery took note of the entertainment: dancing, music and the like.

Speaking of Rain, she and Misery got some abilities that I never really checked out.

Misery possesses the ultimate skill [Hyperion, Lord of Observation] after evolving her unique skill [Observer] which Ciel helped her to get.

Rain possesses the ultimate skill [Aergia, God of Laziness] after evolving her unique skill [Slacker] which of course Ciel once again helped her to get. That skill tells me everything I need to know about Rain, but I wonder what it does. Maybe make things easier to do?

Ciel: 'The unique skill [Slacker] enables spells to take effect much faster and have a smaller cooldown. For example, poison spells could take effect faster, and spells requiring the user to charge up such as fire ball could rapidly expand instead of slowly.'

Guy: 'So it's not just some cheap way out of doing chores? What about the ultimate skill?'

Ciel: 'The ultimate skill [Aergia, Lord of Laziness] maximises the potency of spells, reduces the use of magic power, and reduces the time needed to activate spells. The user can still adjust and lower the potency of their spells but it's much more easier. Additionally, they will possess the ability [Overcharge] which enables the user to cast spells without expending magic power for a short period of time. This timeframe depending on their experience and mental strength.'

Guy: 'Woah, doesn't that just sound kinda overpowered? You could just cast a ton of disintegration spells or nuclear magic simultaneously?'

Ciel: 'The user's concentration still determines whether a spell will be effective or not, therefore it will be hard to manipulate mass amount of nuclear and holy magic simultaneously. Moreover, the drawback is fatigue to extreme fatigue depending on how much magic power was used, since the ability allows an individual's magic power to pass their limits without becoming unconscious.'

Guy: 'Well, I guess it's good that it's got a drawback. What about Misery's though? I think she's got the same skill as Esprit.'

Ciel: 'That is half correct. Misery's skill evolved into [Hyperion, Lord of Observation] from her unique skill [Observer]. Her unique skill has the same name as Esprit's, but the characteristics and effects are different. Most notably, Misery's [Observer] allows her to peer into locations that she has visited anytime, whilst Esprit's allows her to maintain contact with others that she has met across space and time.'

Guy: 'Basically a crystal ball but you don't need to carry it around.'

Ciel: 'Affirmative.'

Guy: 'It's good that my subordinates are stronger. I think I'll get to see Veldanava real soon, right Ciel?'

Ciel: 'Yes, Veldanava is at the Heaven Tower, west of Luminous Valentine's country.'

Guy: 'Luminous Valentine... her country will be destroyed by Veldora sometime in the future right?'

Ciel: 'That is correct.'

Guy: 'Well can I stop him?'

Ciel: 'Master is capable of defeating Veldora without a problem, even with his powers limited from all his ultimate skills.'

Guy: 'So you're saying that I could knock him out by punching him?'

Ciel: 'Yes, that is what I am saying.'

Guy: 'Even so, I doubt it's the same for Veldanava.'

Ciel: 'Since creating the world, Veldanava has been weakened so it is highly unlikely for master to lose against Veldanava in his current state.'

Guy: 'I hope you're right about that.'

———/ After a journey across the world /———

The Holy Void Damargania. This place is pretty nice, but it's lacking... mostly in entertainment. What do you even do around here? People walking left and right, some buying stuff, sitting in a restaurant, eat, sleep, live. It's very easy to get bored here, especially since the ones living here are giants with long life spans.

I look around the Heaven Tower. No guards trying to stop me? How nice. I walk up to some sort of magic circle with my maids, and it teleports us to a castle. How neat. This is rather extravagant.

???: "Welcome, Red Primordial Guy... I have been expecting you."

Guy: "Oh you have, haven't you?"

I look at the person standing in front of me. He's got an air of majesty around him. A modest stature, long black hair, blue eyes, white stars scattered in his hair. It's like I'm looking at a galaxy.

???: "Heh, I have expected you to arrive later. It seems you have exceeded even what I have foreseen."

Guy: "You obviously wanted me to come here for a reason. So how about revealing it?"

???: "Straight to the point, but a point I did not expect. That's what I love about my creations though."

I stare at him, waiting for him to continue as he idles by and daydreams like there's no tomorrow.

???: "Apologies for this momentary musing. Please, come sit."

He guides me to a white table with two seats. Innocent, calm, perfect. I have no idea where this is. I tell my maids to stand by behind me. I turn back to the man and he suddenly gives a request.

???: "I wish for you to become this world's mediator."

Guy: "You mean push all your problems onto me? No thanks."

His eyes widen a little, mouth half-open. He then recomposes himself. Clearly he was unsure of what was going to happen, but suspecting my initial rejection.

???: "Hmmm, your response was also outside of my prediction. But I suppose this is further proof of who you are on the inside."

Guy: "......"

???: "You don't need to give a response or information pertaining to how you got here."

Damn, he saw right through me. I forgot that he used to be omniscient, and still can find out people's identities rather easily.

???: "All I want to know is if you plan on destroying this world."

Guy: "Huh? Why would I do that? It's such a hustle and this world is too interesting."

???: "Hahahahaha!!!!~ Yes! Exactly! Hahahaha!!~"

He laughs for a bit. I chuckle a little but still feel a little awkward around him.

???: "You see, this is why I got rid of my omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence so I can experience a life that's less dull. Surely you've experienced the same boredom being not only the strongest primordial, but also the most powerful demon."

Guy: "I do share your point, and it does relieve me somewhat to hear that coming from you."

???: "Even you should know your standing in this world, after all you've went through this before haven't you? Or at least you know some aspects of the future."

Guy: "Yes, you are right. Like you, being stuck climbing the same rope makes you dull and tired. I just decided to climb another rope."

???: "Then, you must know at least what has occurred after my death..."

Guy: "Yes, you don't have to worry about that...."

He looks at my eyes earnestly, waiting patiently for what I was going to say next. I retort with my gaze reaching straight to his soul, showing my sincerity.

Guy: "Milim will be taken good care of."

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